Information in English

The School of French as a Foreign Language (EFLE) is a department of the Faculty of Arts dedicated to teaching and research in French as a Foreign Language (FFL), in both its literary and linguistic dimensions. FFL as a discipline studies the language practices of users who are acquiring a knowledge of French.

EFLE offers comprehensive study programmes at different levels (with a duration from 1 to 3 years) as well as dedicated support courses (from 2 to 10 hours per week).

Five comprehensive study programmes are offered:

Elementary Year: for students whose level of French is minimum (A1 in terms of the Common European Framework for Languages). In one year, these students improve their level of spoken and written French and progressively learn to satisfy academic requirements.

Preparatory Year: for students whose level of French is A2, in terms of the CEFR. This study programme is intended primarily for those who intend to continue their studies in French. In one year, students are brought up to a level enabling them to understand academic teaching given in French.

Diploma: for students who intend to study French as a language, but also related academic disciplines such as linguistics, literature, anthropology, and teaching. In two years (120 ECTS), students brought up to a very good level of language knowledge (C1 in terms of the CEFR). They also acquire extensive knowledge in related disciplines, which allows them to consider teaching French in a foreign country.

FFL in the Bachelor of Arts degree as one of the 3 disciplines to be chosen for a BA (3 years). Non-French-speaking students can thus improve their level of French, while also starting the study of literature (B2 is the level of the 1st year).

FFL in the Master of Arts degree can be studied after a BA or it may be chosen after BA level studies completed elsewhere. It consists of three areas: the first includes the literature and cultural history of France and the French-speaking world, the second is dedicated to linguistics, and the third to teaching. The respective weights of these three areas can vary depending on the students' own choices. The minimum language level required to follow this curriculum is C1.

Ad hoc, or so-called Satellite courses are intended for the entire non-French-speaking community of the University of Lausanne (undergraduate students, doctoral students, assistants, teachers, etc.). Their purpose is to strengthen and systematise the knowledge of French acquired through living in Lausanne and on the UNIL campus. Participants choose the number of courses they want to follow (2h or 4h as a minimum, depending on the level). Different courses are offered at all levels (starting from beginners).

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