Registration to courses and exams

Registrations to courses and evaluations will be opened from February, 19th to March 17th, 2024. No registration will be possible for the Spring semester 2024 after this date.


Registrations are on the UNIL Plateform (SylviaAcad) for all the students, with UNIL login and password.


Acces to SylviaAcad:


Registrations are for the Fall semester 2024, those for the Spring semester 2024 will be later.

Registrion for the evaluation of the spring session 2024 are automatic.

Schedules for the courses are available on the ELSTE website.

If you have some connections problems to SylviaAcad, please contact the Helpdesk:

If you have some difficutlies, please contact the coordinator, before the deadline.


Registrations for Field camps of the Spring semester will be on Moodle beforehand for logistical reasons.

Deadlines for Field camps registrations will be communicated during the Fall semester.

Acces to Moodle:




Course registration for students external to the ELSTE

This form cannot be used to get enrolled in the ELSTE Master. For online applications, visit these pages.


Validation request for a course outside the ELSTE

This form can be used by ELSTE students who want to validate a course outside UNIL and UNIGE int their free choice module. This form request is to be submitted before the beginning of the course.


Université de GenèveUniversité de Lausanne