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Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne)

Video series "Décrypté" - For an analysis of peace factors in the world
How can we avoid violence, war and armed conflict? What factors can help foster peace? Discover the fascinating work of Prof. Dominic Rohner in the 2nd episode of our video series Décrypté, co-produced by HEC Lausanne, L'éprouvette and Mousqueterre.
Prix Olivier Cadot and Prix Christophe Pralong - winners 2024
HEC Lausanne (UNIL), in partnership with UNIL's International Relations Department, and the Christophe Pralong Association have awarded the Prix Cadot and Prix Pralong to 4 projects whose aim is to help solve the world's development problems. Find out more about this year's winners and their projects.
New series of videos "Décrypté" : Dive into the pioneering spirit of HEC...
What research topics are explored at HEC Lausanne (UNIL)? Who are the researchers involved? What are the links with current issues and how does the HEC Faculty play a pioneering role? If these are the questions that pique your curiosity, don't miss our new “Décrypté” video series co-produced by HEC Lausanne, L'Eprouvette and Mousqueterre. It's made for you!
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