Dean's office 2024-2027
From left to right: Paul André, Marianne Schmid Mast, Jeffrey Petty, Valérie Chavez, Christian Zehnder.
Marianne Schmid Mast Bâtiment Internef |
Professor of Organisational Behaviour Diversity, sustainability and digitalisation; corporate affairs, quality, external relations, international relations, internal affairs, E4S |

Valérie Chavez- Bâtiment Anthropole |
Professor of statistic Vice-Dean Research and Doctoral school |

Jeffrey Petty Bâtiment Internef |
Professor of Entrepreneurship Vice-Dean Impact and continuing education |

Paul André Bâtiment Anthropole |
Professor of Financial AnalysisVice-Dean Bachelors and Masters |

Christian Zehnder Bâtiment Internef |
Professor of Organizational Behavior Vice Dean Faculty Recruitment and Promotion |

Marie-Elisabeth Delille Bâtiment Internef |
Executive Director for Internal Affairs General administration, finance, human resources, facilities, IT & logistics |

Stéphane Guérard Bâtiment Internef |
Executive Director for Student Affairs Bachelor and Master programs, student counseling, exams, appeals, student affairs |

Carolyn Magnani Bâtiment Internef |
Executive Director for Innovation, Quality, and Research International Accreditations, Marketing & Communications, Career Center, Research Office, CEDIF |

Madeleine Linard Bâtiment Internef |
Executive Director for International Relations and Doctoral School Academic Relations, International Relations, Mobility, Alumni, Doctoral School |

Yamina Audetat Bâtiment Internef |
Executive secretary