Franciska Krings Professor Organizational Behavior UNIL Profile |
Franciska Krings Professor Organizational Behavior UNIL Profile |
Franciska Krings is Full Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC). She is currently elected member of the Foundation Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation and acts as president of its Compliance Committee.
Her research interests include workforce diversity and discrimination, work-family balance, impression management, and (non)ethical behaviors. Much of her research focuses on the processes involved in discrimination based on age, gender, parenthood, and/or immigrant status on the labor market as well as on organizational measures and minority group behaviors to combat such types of discrimination. Another line of research investigates individual strategies and boundary conditions of impression management and faking in the selection context. Her work has been published in various international journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, British Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies or the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Much of Franciska Krings’ research focuses on key issues related to diversity and inclusion such as workplace discrimination (e.g., based on gender, age, immigrant status, or parenthood status) and ways to foster diversity and inclusion (e.g., through communication).
Steiner, R., Krings, F., & Allen, T. (2022). Not up to the task: Perceptions of women and men with work-family conflicts. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Roulin, N. & Krings, F. (2020). Faking to Fit in: Applicants’ Response Strategies to Match Organizational Culture. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 130-145.
Kaufmann, M., Krings, F., Zebrowitz, L., & Sczesny, S. (2017). Age Bias in Selection Decisions: The Role of Facial Appearance and Fitness Impressions. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2065.
Krings, F., Johnston, C., Binggeli, S., & Maggiori, C. (2014). Selective incivility: Immigrant groups experience subtle workplace discrimination at different rates. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20, 491-498.