Accounting Summer Camp - Workshop

UNIL principal investigator

Prof. Gaia Melloni, Faculty of Business and Economics

UNIPD principal investigator

Prof. Bruno Buchetti, DSEA


Joint seminar / conference involving early-stage researchers


The Workshop aims to bring together researchers from leading scholars and editors in the fields of accounting, governance, and finance. The Workshop offers the opportunity for junior and senior researchers to participate and present papers (or working papers) to an expert audience formed by leading researchers in the accounting, governance, and finance areas and to receive valuable feedback.

The project has three overarching aims.

First, strengthen the collaboration between the University of Padua and the University of Lausanne. Second, generate a valuable debate between presenters and the audience on emerging topics in accounting, finance, and governance research (with a focus on sustainability). Third, it will offer researchers ad-hoc feedback on their papers. The idea is to have a valuable debate between presenters and the audience that will benefit both researchers and the organizing university. Indeed, researchers select workshops to attend based on the quality of their feedback. Then, the higher the debate quality, the higher the reputation the event obtains. Then, it will be more likely to attract valuable researchers. Also, the project aims to strengthen the research visibility of the two organizing universities: Lausanne and Padova.

The Workshop aims to become a conference-to-attend for all research-oriented scholars like those annual meetings in accounting and finances. It is essential for editors and associated editors of the most prominent journals in the fields of accounting and finance (Q1) to know the research agenda of the organizing universities. Then, editors and associate editors of these journals will be the ideal candidates to invite as prominent experts. Also, the Workshop will be an opportunity for the two universities to scout for prominent researchers regarding job offerings and cooperation in research and teaching opportunities. We aim to create an expanding network that will be able to attract other prominent universities outside Europe.


The ASC will be divided into four sessions:

  • Keynote speakers: Prof. Giovanna Michelon (University of Bristol) and Prof. Gaia Melloni (University of Lausanne) will discuss the latest research topics in the accounting, governance, and finance areas.
  • Roundtable: experts from the University of Padua, the University of Lausanne and the Free University of Bolzano will participate in a roundtable on "Measuring Sustainability: Information, Valuation and Standard Setting": Paul André (University of Lausanne), Giacomo Boesso (University of Padua) and Massimiliano Bonacchi (Free University of Bolzano).
  • During the two days, four researchers will be invited to attend the conference and will present their manuscripts (45 minutes) and will receive feedback from discussants (reader) (15 minutes) and the audience (15 minutes).
  • On the last day, two papers will be presented by prominent experts. Each session will be divided into three parts. Firstly, the researcher will present the manuscript for 45 minutes. Secondly, a discussant will have 15 minutes to discuss the manuscript and highlight both positive and negative elements of the piece of research. Lastly, there will be 15 minutes dedicated to any question from the audience. All the sessions will be consecutive, and no parallel sessions will be created to maximize audience participation and feedback for researchers;

The Workshop will be open to 25-30 researchers in any university, and submissions will be open from February 2023 until April 2023. Applicants will be selected based on the following features:

  • Fit with the topics of interests of one of the top researchers invited to attend the Workshop;
  • Level of development of their researchers (projects close to submission to international journals will be prioritized).
  • Scholars from the organizing universities will be prioritized;
  • Attendees from prior years will be given lower priority;

Potential for follow-up activities

Exchange invitations of scholars at the two departments for brown bags or seminars to be held at the respective institutions.

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