Membres de l'Institut

Sarrasin Oriane

Coordonnées Curriculum Recherches Enseignements Publications

Axes de recherche

attitudes et comportements durables
étude des facteurs menant les individus à penser (ex: engagement pour l'environnement) et / ou agir de manière durable (ex: réduction de la consommation d'énergie)



Projets FNS

The social psychology of attitudes towards cultural diversity: A multilevel analysis in Switzerland
2009 - 2010
Requérant·e: Eva Green
Autres collaborateurs-trices: Christian Staerklé, Alain Clémence
This project investigates the social and contextual foundations of individual attitudes towards cultural diversity and immigration in Switzerland. Based on a social psychological framework, we examine why citizens support or oppose integration of immigrants in a number of social domains, expressed for example in attitudes towards cultural diversity at the workplace, rights of asylum seekers, and laws prohibiting racism and discriminatory treatment. The research is carried out on existing national survey data on diversity and immigration. Our research tests competing predictions based on threat and intergroup contact theories on both the individual and the contextual level. While threat theories emphasize the negative impact of immigrant presence (either perceived as a material or a symbolic threat), contact theories focus on its positive consequences (based on positive experience with immigrants). By studying how well-established psychological processes underlying prejudice and discrimination are moderated by contextual, canton/municipality-level characteristics, this project aims to clarify the conditions under which threat or contact hypotheses are better suited to account for diversity attitudes. The project will evolve in three phases: (1) Databases which contain items on diversity attitudes, threat perceptions and contact are overviewed and an inventory of relevant items is created. In parallel, a context-level indicator database is created. (2) Comparable and reliable indicators across the databases are constructed. The social psychological meaning of cantons/municipalities as units of analysis is evaluated. (3) The predicted multilevel models (regression analyses and structural equations) are tested and cross-validated with different datasets.

Gender and immigration attitudes (Advanced Researcher Fellowship)
2012 - 2014  (24  mois)
Requérant·e: Oriane Sarrasin

The interplay of social norms and intergroup contact in understanding immigration attitudes
2014 - 2018
Requérant·e: Eva G. T. Green UNIL (PI) & Juan-Manuel Falomir UNIGE (co-PI)
Autres collaborateurs-trices: Emilio Visintin, Oriane Sarrasin & Jacques Berent
Subside FNS Division 1 de 221'481 CHF
Co-financement NCCR on the move à hauteur de 50'000 CHF

Autres projets

Transnational Senegalese migration, integration and development : A comparative analysis of migrant organizations in four receiving contexts
2010 - 2012
Organisme subventionnaire: Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS)
Requérant·e: Sandro Cattacin
Autres collaborateurs-trices: Jenny Maggi (principal investigator), Dame Sarr, Eva Green, Oriane Sarrasin, Andrea Stocchiero, Paul de Guchteneire, Antoine Pécoud
Subside de 275'000 CHF

Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland MOSAiCH: Measuring anti-Muslim attitudes and their antecedents in Switzerland
Requérant·e: Oriane Sarrasin, Jolanda van der Noll, Eva G. T. Green

La durabilité d'équiwatt : Impact et participation à un programme éco-social
Organisme subventionnaire: Fonds communal pour l'efficacité énergétique (FEE), Lausanne  (Suisse)
Requérant·e: Oriane Sarrasin, Fabrizio Butera


Contrats et Mandats

La durabilité des comportements durables
2015 - 2017
Organisme subventionnaire: Canton de Vaud, Romande Energie & Université de Lausanne, Volteface program  (Suisse)
Requérant·e: Fabrizio Butera, Alain Clémence, Fabienne Crettaz-van Roten
160'000 CHF


Collaborations et réseaux


Participation à l'école doctorale (12.6.2017)
Présentation: "When and why women are perceived to be vulnerable"

Mini-programme de recherche "Valeurs et société"


NCCR on the move
Participation à l'école doctorale (16.1.2018)
Présentation: "Taking gender into account when studying immigration attitudes: Two quantitative examples"


Evénements et manifestations


Genre et islamophobie: Journée d'études
Journée co-organisée avec Eléonore Lépinard et Lavinia Gianettoni

Interventions dans les médias

Harcèlement sexuel: interview d'Oriane Sarrasin, de l'Institut de psychologie de l'UNIL

Oriane Sarrasin (vidéo), co-organisatrice de la journée "Genre et islamophobie" à l'Université de Lausanne

Viol, contrainte sexuelle, harcèlement, c'est quoi ?

