Geohazards and Risks in Mountainous Areas

The main goal of the research is for the development of innovative solutions to (i) characterize slope mass movement processes (landslides, rockfalls, etc.) and sediment transfers, (ii) improve techniques of slope processes monitoring and 3D modeling of geological objects, (iii) provide hazard and risk assessments related to gravitational phenomena and (iv) support decision making in natural hazard mitigation and management. This is achieved by developing a fundamental process understanding. Various approaches are used for this purpose, combining fieldwork, remote sensing (with a strong focus on laser scanning), geomechanical analyses, numerical and analogic simulations and development of computer models.

For further information related to the former research pole (news, events, technical reports, current or completed projects, online teaching material, software, etc.), please refer to our WordPress website at the following web address:

Permanent team


Prof. Michel Jaboyedoff


Lines of research:

  • Risk Assessment 
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Remote sensing applied to geological risks

Research group: Risk Analysis Group

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Senior lecturers - MER

Dr. Marc-Henri Derron

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His areas of expertise include hazards and risks, as well as applications of remote sensing for hazard and risk assessment.

Lines of research:

  • Landslides and natural hazards 
  • Remote sensing applied to geological risks

Groupe de recherche: Risk Analysis Group

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Personal website

Associated research groups

More information

Geohazards and Risks in Mountainous Areas


Permanent team


Senior lecturers - MER

Associated research groups