UNIL provides a series of resources to help you find your way through this long list of paths!
Do not hesitate to consult them but do not forget that your faculty specialists are there to support and advise you.
| Finding and financing your road
| Personalised support
| Automatic entry into Serval
| Training
| Support at your faculty
UNIL provides a series of resources to help you find your way through this long list of paths!
Do not hesitate to consult them but do not forget that your faculty specialists are there to support and advise you.
Our Support 360 homepage directs you to the right road.
Then choose the page relating to the right road in the left-hand navigation menu and discover the means made available by UNIL to help you follow it.
Financing your OA publication
We automatically search for new UNIL/CHUV publications on Web of Science each month. Those with ORCID identifiers linked to UNIL and/or published in either Gold or Hybrid Open Access are imported into Serval and a notification is sent to all linked authors.
You can then add the record to Serval by following the instruction in the email.
So, use your ORCID number when publishing, link it to Unisciences and check your inbox the first Monday of each month!
Would you like to learn more about Open Access?
We offer self-paced training on the Moodle platform.
Christelle Cocco
Gaëlle Delavy
Caroline Wilhem
Delphine Margot-Descombes
Consultant recherche (consultant-recherche-lettres@unil.ch)
- Advice on Open Access publishing grants
- Guidance on copyright and authors' rights resources
Responsable SERVAL (serval-lettres@unil.ch)
- Information and advice on publishing (including Open Access) on SERVAL
- Verification and enrichment of data for the Faculty's SERVAL records
- Advice on the deposit of publications on SERVAL
Chargée de valorisation des publications et des recherches en Lettres (labelettres@unil.ch)
- Promotion of the works (including Open Access) of the Faculty's researchers
Nathanaëlle Minard
Research & Quality Office
At the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, the Lausanne University Medical Library (BiUM) offers a wide range of services related to Publication and Open Access in the following areas:
- Open Access requirements of funders and publishers on publications
- Gold Open Access Fund
- Green Open Access on Serval
- Journal selection (Open Access, Traditional, Predatory publications)
- Reading publisher's contract
- Copyright and article licensing
- Plagiarism
See the Information Page on our service offer
Regarding the funding of Open Access costs, we provide:
- Workshops in departments and institutes on Open Access issues and guidelines, copyright, Creative Commons licences and Gold OA funds available at FBM.
- A relay for information on Gold OA funds available to the FBM on our dedicated webpage with a recommendation guide on how to proceed.
- Personalised advice on how to obtain financial support and on the choice of journals for which you can benefit from partial or full coverage of APCs.
Regarding the deposit and submission of Open Access articles on Serval following the Green Open Access route, we provide:
- Reference entry of articles for SSF-SSC departments from PubMed and WOS indexing.
- Personalized advice and regular workshops for academic and administrative staff on Open Access and the use of Serval features.
- Provision of a FBM tutorial on the use of Serval.
- Automatic deposit on Serval of PDFs of articles already in Open Access with CC BY licence on PMC.
- The deposit on Serval on request of the researcher of the Authors' Manuscripts in accordance with the legal rules imposed by the publishing houses.
- Good visibility of Author Manuscripts placed in Open Access on Serval thanks to a direct link between SERVAL and PubMed.
- Individual advice on how to promote your OA work on Serval through your ORCID iD.
If you would like more information on the BiUM's services in the area of Publication and Open Access, please contact us.
Cécile Lebrand, PhD
Research consultant
Manon Rosset (IGD)
Catherine Schlegel-Rey (IDYST & ISTE)
Amélie Dreiss
For support in finding publishing funds, questions about publishing and Open Access, and requests for training, please contact the FGSE research consultant Amélie Dreiss.
Retrouvez le soutien spécifique offert à la FGSE ici: https://www.unil.ch/gse/home/menuguid/chercheureuses.html#publications
Et les dernières nouvelles de l'Open Science ici: https://wp.unil.ch/georeka/tag/open-science/