Korea(n)' as a medium to explore new scientific knowledge: On the Beginning of Neuroscience in South Korea in the 1970s-1980s

Korea(n)' as a medium to explore new scientific knowledge: On the Beginning of Neuroscience in South...

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Sciences and Technologies Studies Laboratory

Vol 18 n° 2 de la Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances
Parution de la dernière Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances. Celle-ci comprend un dossier thématique, un article en varia, ainsi que des compte-rendu de lecture.
Séminaires du STS Lab – Printemps 2024
Le programme des séminaires du Laboratoire d’étude des sciences et des techniques (STS Lab) pour le semestre de printemps est disponible.
Welcome to the STS Lab website
Since its creation in 2016, the STS Lab develops a field of inter- and trans-disciplinary research, addressing both the practical underpinnings, the normative stakes, and the political implications of science, technology and medicine in action.
Discover the research areas of the laboratory members.
Research seminar