Departure from Switzerland

Steps to undertake before leaving Switzerland


Step 1

Notify your departure to the "Contrôle des habitants" in Lausanne/ in the municipality/ commune of your place of residence.

A form must be filled in and sent to your municipality. For Lausanne, click here. A certificate of departure will be sent to you.

Step 2

Cancel your health insurance at least 3 months in advance.

Step 3

Cancel your rental contract within the specified period. Cancel your household liability insurance.

Step 4

Announce your departure to "Services Industriels" de Lausanne (if you live in Lausanne) or another electricity provider/ supplier.

Contact Services Industriels de Lausanne with a copy of the certificate of departure.

Step 5

Cancel your Internet and mobile phone subscriptions.

Step 6

Close your bank account.

Step 7

If you wish to withdraw your pension fund assets because of your definitive departure from Switzerland, please contact your pension fund (Les Retraites Populaires or La Caisse de pensions de l'État de Vaud (CPEV).


Please note that this list is not exhaustive.

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