Study Abroad

It is very important that you spend time in English-speaking countries as a means of developing your proficiency in the language and gaining first-hand experience of English-speaking culture.

To participate in an exchange to Britain or the United States, you will need to start planning 18 months ahead. Read the information about study abroad on the Department website before consulting Kirsten Stirling (for Britain) or Prof. Agnieszka Soltysik (for the USA). Be sure to attend the information session during the autumn semester.

See English Department study abroad programmes

Note however that you can only bring back 30 credits in total from a Masters exchange, and only 20 credits in any one discipline. (If you are doing a maîtrise avec spécialisation you can bring back 45 credits in total.)

See Directives de la Faculté des lettres relative à la mobilité à la Maîtrise ès Lettres

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