Exam Procedures

| General Regulations for Oral Exams | BA and MA Oral Exams | General Regulations for Written Exams | BA and MA Written Exams

Specific instructions for:

BA exams



Read the following instructions and regulations carefully before the exams. Any candidate who infringes any of the following regulations or is found attempting to cheat in any way whatsoever may be excluded from the exam and is liable to forfeit the entire exam session. If you have any questions, please check with the exam supervisor before your exam preparation starts.

General Regulations for Oral Exams

1. The oral exam comprises two parts:

  • Preparation
  • The oral exam
  • (for length of preparation time and duration of exam, see details on specific exams below)

2. You will have preparation time before meeting your examiner.

3. Be present in the English coeur de section (the windowed area adjacent to rooms 5157 and 5136) at least 5 minutes before your exam is due to start. The time given on the exam timetable is the time you begin your preparation.

4. Wait to be called into the preparation room by the supervisor.

5. You may take only the following into the preparation room:

  • The texts specifically authorized for your exam (see rules concerning different exam types for details). Your texts may be checked for conformity by the exam supervisor at any time.
  • An English / English dictionary - although dictionaries are available in the room.
  • Writing implements - paper will be supplied - do NOT bring your own paper.

6. Mobile phones and laptops are forbidden; they should be turned off and put away. To keep track of the time, use a watch.

7. Kindly respect your fellow candidates by making as little noise as possible during your preparation.

BA and MA Oral Exams

Oral exams on literature (English, American and Medieval)

  • Preparation, 30min; exam, 30min.
  • For literature oral exams: students are expected to bring clean or lightly annotated copies the text(s) on which they are being examined.
  • Students may also bring an English-English dictionary.
  • Students are expected to bring items from their personal bibliography. No other texts, primary or secondary, or written notes of any sort are permitted in the exam room

Oral exams on English linguistics

  • Preparation, 30min; exam, 30min.
  • For linguistics oral exams: students are allowed to have clean or lightly annotated copies the text(s) on which you are being examined, including readings assigned as part of the related seminar .
  • Students are allowed to bring an English-English dictionary.
  • No other texts, primary or secondary, or written notes of any sort are permitted in the exam room

General Regulations for Written Exams

1. Be present outside the exam room at least 15 minutes before your exam is due to start. Sit in the place indicated by the exam supervisors.

2. You are asked to write your numero d'immatriculation on the cover sheet of your exam, so bring your student card with you. As you may be required to prove your identity, leave it - or another photo ID - visibly on your table.

3. You are not allowed to have anything with you during the exam except:

  • the texts specifically authorized for your exam (see rules concerning different exam types for details);
  • an English / English dictionary. Bring your own dictionary (the larger the better); none will be provided.
  • writing implements (without pencil case or any other sort of closed container).
  • refreshments; snacks and beverages should be placed on your table.

4. Bags and any objects other those mentioned above must be left at the front of the examination room before the exam begins.

5. Mobile phones and computers are forbidden. To keep track of the time use a watch.

6. You are not allowed to leave the examination room except at stipulated changeover times or as permitted by the supervisor. (This includes going to the toilet: so go before the exam starts.)

7. Do not bring any paper into the exam room. All the paper needed will be supplied. All your work, including rough notes, sketches, doodles etc., must be on official exam paper only. All the paper you have used must be handed in at the end of the exam along with any unused sheets that may be left.

8. Write your name and the date on every sheet of paper that you use.

9. Respect your fellow candidates by making as little noise as possible during the exam.

BA and MA Written Exams

Written exams on literature (English, American and Medieval)

  • Students are allowed to have clean or lightly annotated copies of your specified texts (reading list texts are not allowed).
  • Students are allowed to bring an English-English dictionary.
  • Students are expected to bring items from their personal bibliography. No other texts, primary or secondary, or written notes of any sort are authorized.

Be advised that your texts may be checked for conformity by the exam supervisors at any time.

Written exams on English linguistics

  • Students are allowed to have clean or lightly annotated copies the text(s) on which you are being examined, including readings assigned as part of the related seminar .
  • Students are allowed to bring an English-English dictionary.
  • No other texts, primary or secondary, or written notes of any sort are permitted.
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