UNIL in brief

The challenges raised by multiple societal transitions, the emergence of new knowledge and the occurrence of multiple crises, as well as new ways of disseminating and using knowledge, all call into question the role and organisation of universities in our society.

Against this background, UNIL's mission is to offer cutting-edge life choices and educational and career paths that are intellectually, socially and personally transformative.

UNIL urges its entire community and alumni to use their knowledge to advance society.

We encourage and support students, staff, faculty and alumni to think collectively about how their research, study and professional lives will benefit their region, the world and humanity.

As a result, we will be equipped to inspire and support major societal changes that will make our societies more environmentally, economically, socially and culturally secure, equitable and stable.

With "le savoir vivant" ("living knowledge") – its institutional motto – and the development of collective intelligence, UNIL asserts that knowledge is never static and that it benefits the common good. What we take for granted must be constantly challenged by a continuously updated research programme in order to grasp increasingly complex realities.

What UNIL aims to offer its partners

  • For its students, lifelong learners and society in general, UNIL aims to be accessible to all and to provide high-quality education in an open and safe environment. Its goal is to support its students in their transition to employment and to ensure that society benefits from its activities.
  • With the public authorities, the economy and cultural communities, UNIL is committed to supporting the development of socially relevant skills through the education it provides. It shares rigorous scientific expertise and participates in public debate.
  • UNIL offers its staff a high-quality working environment, favourable to career development, including training and project development. It emphasises collective excellence and institutional social commitment.
  • The Rectorate's objectives for the coming years are set out in its Statement of Intent (www.unil2026.ch), which is an extension and embodiment of the values described in its institutional charter.

The Rectorate's objectives for the coming years are set out in its Statement of Intent (www.unil2026.ch), which is an extension and embodiment of the values described in its institutional charter.

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