Bylaws of the CIEL

Article 1. Statutes

1.1. The Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Literatures (CIEL), formerly the Center for Research in Comparative European Languages and Literatures (CLE), is a center within the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lausanne, as specified in article 5 of the Regulations of that Faculty.

1.2. The CIEL is partnered with the Departments of German, English, Archeology and Classical Studies, Spanish, French, Italian, South Asian and Slavonic Languages and Cultures, as well as the School of French as a Foreign Language.

Article 2. Missions

2.1. The CIEL is a hub of scholarly expertise responsible for promoting the combined or comparative study of literary corpora belonging to different linguistic and cultural domains as well as to the study of literary questions with a transcultural or transhistorical character.

2.2. The CIEL is tasked with encouraging and supporting the elaboration of research projects that fall within its domain as defined in 2.1.

2.3. The CIEL may submit proposals to the Faculty for programs of study corresponding to the field of expertise defined in 2.1. It will ensure their organization and operation.

2.4. The CIEL will establish and maintain contacts with other institutions pursuing similar objectives. It will encourage collaboration in research projects that are carried out in partnership with these institutions in addition to participation in the Master and Doctorate-level instruction taking place within these institutions.

Article 3. Organization

3.1. The CIEL is administratively attached to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Arts.

3.2. The Assembly of the CIEL is open to all members of the research units mentioned in 1.2. It meets once per year; it is consulted on the operation, orientations, activities, projects and biennial report of the Center.

3.3. The Council of the CIEL is formed by delegates from the partnering research units (by the principle of one person per unit or one person per linguistic domain for units that include several such domains) and the person who holds the post of professor comparative literatures housed in the Department of French. If one of the partnering research units does not wish to appoint a delegate, it will inform the Administration of the Center.

3.4. The Council of the CIEL meets a minimum of once per year. It rules on the orientations and activities of the Center, taking the advice and proposals of the Assembly into consideration. It evaluates research projects in light of the Center's mission and in accordance with its budget. It approves the future budget and the biennial report. It debates programs of study put forward in accordance with 2.3. It takes up any question that it deems to fall within its competence. It may propose changes in regulations to the Dean's Office.

3.5. The Administration of the CIEL is made up of three individuals elected by the Council and belonging to three different research units. The Council submits to the Council of the Faculty a proposal for one of these three individuals to be charged with the direction of the Center, the two other members of the Administration being thereby considered as assistant directors. The mandate for members of the Administration is two years; it can be renewed once.

3.6. The tasks of the Administration are the management of current business, the organization and coordination of programs of study, the fixing of the budget, the writing of the biennial report, the recommendation of new hires for the Center, the drafting of specifications for such hires, the organization and convocation of meetings of the Councils and the annual Assembly, the representation and promotion of the Center within the University and outside the University, as well as any other task that the Council chooses to entrust it with.

Article 4. Budget

4.1. The budget of the CIEL falls under the purview of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Arts. It is managed by the Administration in collaboration with the Dean's Office.

Article 5. Transitional and Final Provisions

5.1. The current bylaws, adopted by the Dean's Office during the session of June 22, 2017, become effective September 1, 2017.

Règlement CIEL  (61 Ko)

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