Principles for a successful evaluation

1. Planning 

Choose your teaching – from the 8th week - feedback

Generally speaking, every teaching you are responsible for, has to be evaluated by students in a time frame of 3 years. Organise your evaluation according to your teaching consistency, some potential modifications of the university curriculum or that you plan within your teachings, etc.

In addition, anticipate your feedback. If the course takes place over one semester, the evaluation can be realised halfway or two-thirds of the way through the course (from the 8th week). If it is a two-semester course, the evaluation can take place at the end of the first semester and you can give a feedback to your students at the beginning of the next one.

2. Preparing

Choose the evaluation tool – customization

The Student Evaluation of Teaching can be carried out using various tools. All of them can be adapted on request so that you get the most comprehensive and useful feedback on your practices. The CSE will gladly assist you in choosing and/or in developing them.

3. Informing

Why – When – How

We recommend communicating about this evaluation with your students. You may inform them of this process beforehand, explaining them the utility of the evaluation to you, as well as the ways and means that are used (the date, the chosen tool, etc.). That way, You will encourage them to participate actively and constructively in the process.

4. Waiting  

Processing time – feedback on results

Collecting data, analysing the results and writing a report takes a minimum of 5 working days. Depending on the request and the tool used, the time needed to produce the results may be longer.

5. Analysing

Your reflection – the results – your analysis

Before having the results at your disposal, you may answer a few questions to guide you in the analysis of the results using this tool (French only).

Once you will have the results, you may make reference to this document in order to deepen your thinking.

It is to be noted that a confidential meeting with the CSE is required under Directive 3.22 when tools other than the questionnaire are used or if the average agreement to the different questions of a questionnaire is less than 60%. A contextualised evaluation report is drawn up summarising the elements discussed during the session. This document is sent to you only.

6. Discussing

Completing – discussing – consolidating 

Once your own analysis is done, get your feedback ready: what do you want from this feedback? Do you want to get some more precise answers? To explain or clarify some choices? Simply informing your students?

Choose the time and the way that seem the most suitable to you to give this feedback (email, conversation, during class, outside class, etc.) You will find some ideas to help your in this document (French only) and the CSE remains available for any help.

7. Highlighting

Communicating – Sharing

The CSE is at your disposal should you be interested in sharing and adding value to your experience, to conduct some research about your pedagogical practice or if you would like to develop your professional career. More precisely, the CSE offers support to draft and write the “Teaching” section of the activity report or the academic portfolio to anybody who’s in charge of a teaching (teacher, assistant, etc.). Further information on this page (French only).

Bâtiment Anthropole  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 38 15