Master of Science (MSc) in Molecular Life Sciences

Student testimonial


General content

The Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences is intended for students who are fascinated about the exploration of life at the molecular level.

This Master's programme provides in-depth teaching of current knowledge in genomics, molecular genetics, cellular, developmental and organismal biology – spanning studies of humans and other animals, plants and microorganisms – and the experimental and computational approaches used to acquire this knowledge.

One practical course, unique in Switzerland, allows you to sequence the genomes of microorganisms, providing the opportunity to learn state-of-the-art sequencing techniques and acquire skills in genome annotation and analyses. Another course will provide training in literature analysis, scientific writing and oral communication through the preparation of a review article and a research grant proposal.

Possibilities of specialisation in:

  • Bioinformatics
  • Microbiology
  • It is also possible to pursue the Master without a specialisation.
Practical information

Faculty of Biology and Medicine
School of Biology

Degree awarded
Master of Science (MSc) in Molecular Life Sciences

ECTS credits

4 semesters

Teaching language
English. Recommended level : C1.

Admission requirements
Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biology or in a field considered to be equivalent awarded by a Swiss university.
Other degrees awarded by a foreign university may be considered equivalent and grant access to the programme with or without further conditions.

Enrolment and final dates
The degree course begins in the autumn semester only.
Applications must be submitted to the Admissions Office before the deadline.
Final enrolment date: 30 April. Candidates needing a visa to study in Switzerland: 28 February.

More information
Website of the Master
Timetables and course descriptions

Career Prospects

This Master will provide high-level training in the theory and practice of the molecular life sciences, analytical and critical thinking, written and oral communication abilities, as well as teamwork, project and time management, and other transversal skills.

As such, this programme serves as a foundation for potential careers in:

  • Academic research
  • Applied biomedical research and diagnostics
  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries
  • Environmental technologies
  • Science education and policy
  • Science publishing and communication

Further information

Subject to changes.
The French version prevails. Only the official texts should be considered binding.
Last update: 15 February 2024

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Version February 2024

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School of Biology
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Bâtiment Amphipôle
CH–1015 Lausanne

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