News and events

Our comments on the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics Published on 15.10.24
Our comments on the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics
Congratulations to the three laureates Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson, who have been awarded by the Nobel Prize in Economics for their groundbreaking research on the critical role of societal institutions in shaping a country’s prosperity. Their work reveals how inclusive institutions foster sustainable growth, while extractive ones can trap countries in poverty. Our experts in economics and geopolitics comment the news.
Our EMBA stands out in the Financial Times 2024 ranking thanks to its high level of diversity and the impact of its Alumni Published on 14.10.24
Our EMBA stands out in the Financial Times 2024 ranking thanks to its high level...
For the 13th consecutive year, the HEC Lausanne Executive MBA is ranked in the highly competitive Financial Times Top 100 Executive MBA ranking.
US elections : who will win the US 2024 presidential election?
Published on 09.10.24
US elections : who will win the US 2024 presidential election?
Donald Trump may still win the knife-edged presidential election according to a prediction model from Professor John Antonakis of HEC Lausanne (UNIL) and his colleague, Professor Philippe Jacquart from Emlyon business school in France.
PRESS index: A new standard for sustainable real estate investment Published on 08.10.24
PRESS index: A new standard for sustainable real estate investment
The Center for Risk Management at Lausanne (CRML) at HEC Lausanne (UNIL) introduces the PRESS index (Public Real Estate Sustainability Switzerland), the first public sustainability index for real estate in Switzerland. This new index, updated daily, is designed to offer a more responsible investment option in listed real estate funds, by integrating sustainability performance with profitability.
Nouveau guide sur la communication inclusive à l’UNIL Published on 07.10.24
Nouveau guide sur la communication inclusive à l’UNIL
Le Bureau de l'égalité a le plaisir de vous communiquer la sortie d’un nouveau guide de communication inclusive.
2 days, 800 HEC students, 16 workshops, 1 challenge to take up ! Published on 25.09.24
2 days, 800 HEC students, 16 workshops, 1 challenge to take up !
On the occasion of the HEC Lausanne Onboarding Days, the HUB Entrepreneurship and Innovation had the pleasure of welcoming all the first-year students at Villanova.
Le Hackathon "Prix pour la stratégie climatique HEC" a été un véritable succès ! Published on 24.09.24
Le Hackathon "Prix pour la stratégie climatique HEC" a été un véritable...
Le dimanche 22 septembre, les étudiants de HEC se sont rassemblés pour une journée intense de réflexion et d'innovation autour des enjeux climatiques de l'UNIL. Entre créativité, collaboration et solutions audacieuses, deux équipes se sont démarquées en remportant chacune CHF 1 500 pour leur projet. Retour sur cette journée riche en idées et en inspiration !
Septième épisode de la série de podcast "Tu triches?: Le greenwashing – une forme de tricherie en économie Published on 24.09.24
Septième épisode de la série de podcast "Tu triches?: Le greenwashing – une...
Plongez chaque semaine dans un nouvel épisode captivant où des chercheurs et chercheuses de l’Université vous dévoilent les vérités parfois insoupçonnées qui se cachent derrière leurs champs d’étude
Bruno Le Maire appointed visiting Professor at the Enterprise for Society Centre (E4S) Published on 13.09.24
Bruno Le Maire appointed visiting Professor at the Enterprise for Society Centre...
The former French finance minister will teach at E4S's three academic institutions and contribute to research on the nexus between business and politics.

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