News and events

The Master’s in Management at HEC Lausanne ranked among the 50 best programs in the world Published on 09.09.24
The Master’s in Management at HEC Lausanne ranked among the 50 best programs in the...
The Financial Times published its annual ranking of the best Master’s in Management programs in the world (FT Ranking 2024). HEC Lausanne (UNIL) is proud to announce that it was ranked in the top 50, an increase of 7 places compared with last year.
New appointments at HEC Lausanne Published on 03.09.24
New appointments at HEC Lausanne
HEC Lausanne is pleased to announce the appointment of three new professors.
The Dean's Office ready for the new academic year Published on 28.08.24
The Dean's Office ready for the new academic year
Marianne Schmid Mast, Dean of HEC Lausanne (UNIL) since 2021, has been confirmed for a second term that will see her lead the faculty until 2027. She will be supported by a dean's team that includes two new members: Valérie Chavez-Demoulin and Jeffrey Petty. Paul André and Christian Zehnder are continuing the adventure.
Bienvenue à l'UNIL ! Published on 20.08.24
Bienvenue à l'UNIL !
Les Journées d'accueil des nouvelles étudiantes et des nouveaux étudiants se dérouleront les 12 & 13 septembre.
Age diversity statements change workplace behavior Published on 15.08.24
Age diversity statements change workplace behavior
Faced with an aging workforce, companies need to rethink their approach to age diversity. Focus on the age diversity statements as a new lever for the inclusion of 50+ employees.
Is it time to rethink Big Tech’s acquisition model? Published on 18.07.24
Is it time to rethink Big Tech’s acquisition model?
Do acquisitions of startups by tech giants stifle or boost competition and innovation in the software industry? Recent research by Luise Eisfeld, Assistant Professor of Finance at HEC Lausanne, sheds significant light on this issue.
Retour sur une année riche en événements Published on 04.07.24
Retour sur une année riche en événements
Le rapport annuel de l’UNIL est arrivé! Il apporte un éclairage institutionnel et scientifique sur l’année 2023. Du côté de HEC Lausanne, focus sur l'innovation face aux grands défis mondiaux avec Katherine Tatarinov et sur la durabilité avec Patrick Haack.
HEC Lausanne has got talent – June 2024 Published on 01.07.24
HEC Lausanne has got talent – June 2024
Discover those in the HEC Lausanne (UNIL) community - students, researchers, teachers or staff - who have been honored or celebrated recently.
Video series "Décrypté" - Why do some organizations turn to the dark side?
Published on 27.06.24
Video series "Décrypté" - Why do some organizations turn to the dark side?
Immoral behavior and corporate scandals: Guido Palazzo, Professor of Business Ethics at HEC Lausanne (UNIL), has made this his hobbyhorse for decades. Through his research, he aims to provide answers to the challenges that arise in this field.

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