Today more than ever, public institutions must adapt to a societal context in perpetual mutation. The Executive Certificate in Management and Public Action CEMAP course helps managers to deal with the principal issues and challenges faced by political and public institutions in order to ensure a strong link between theory and practice.
The CEMAP is:
Each participant has the possibility to carry out a project in relation to their professional activity with the support of the faculty staff. This approach ensures the link between lessons and the student’s professional reality, and it offers employers who are backing their employee’s training some expert advice in their domain of competency. The project can be carried out in parallel to the training course.
The CEMAP is aimed at federal, cantonal and communal executives in the public and parapublic sectors who either:
Program manager
Prof. Martial Pasquier
+41 21 692 68 80
Studies Secretariat
Sandra Félix
+41 21 692 68 13