Agilent Technologies HP 61800A GC The GCD system furnishes qualitative structural and quantitative information for quick identification of a broad range of organic compounds. It consists of a HP 5890 gas chromatograph (GC) with split/splitless injector and an electron ionization (EI) detector, all controlled by a data system (GCD software, HB Vectra 486). |  |
Agilent Technologies GC-MSD The GC-MSD system is used to obtain molecular structural and quantitative information on complex mixtures of organic compounds. It is based on a HP 6890 gas chromatograph equipped with a split/splitless and an on-column capillary injector ports, a 5973N mass selective detector (MSD) with diffusion pump. It has electron ionization (EI) and it is single ion monitoring (SIM) capable, which increases sensitivity 5-100 times. The GC is also equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) for quantitative analysis. |  |
The GC-C/P-IRMS system The GC-C/P-IRMS consists of a HP 6890 gas chromatograph coupled to a Thermo Fisher Scientific Delta V Plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer via a combustion interface III for online conversion of organic compounds to CO2 and N2 (for carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis) and an online pyrolysis interface for quantitative conversion of organic H and O to H2 or CO (for hydrogen and oxygen isotope analysis). |