

The Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences programme starts with a 2-day retreat that is held in the spectacular mountains near Lausanne (e.g. Les Diablerets, Leysin). New students have the opportunity to meet their peer group, second-year MLS students as well as several professors from departments involved in MLS teaching and organisation. The retreat combines both formal sessions and ample time for informal discussions.

The aims of this retreat are:

  • To give you an overview of the organisation, curriculum and evaluation of the MLS Masters.
  • To help you select optional classes.
  • To learn about research performed in the different departments.
  • To help you select your First step and Master research projects.
  • To help students who did not perform their Bachelors at UNIL with various administrative duties.
  • To get to know your peers and develop a team spirit.



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