Open Positions / Emplois

Open group leader position

Swiss National Science Foundation Starting Grant Professor at the Department of Immunobiology, University of Lausanne

The Department of Immunobiology at the University of Lausanne is actively seeking to support and host a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Starting Grant Professor. 

If you are a visionary in the field of immunology or infectious diseases, we invite you to apply. For detailed eligibility criteria and comprehensive application instructions, please see:

Prospective candidates are strongly encouraged to submit their applications by November 1, 2023. Please submit a single PDF file containing your CV and a concise project description (up to one page) to: or

The Department of Immunobiology is deeply committed to promoting excellence in research and fostering inclusivity and diversity. Your groundbreaking work could find its home here.



Postdoc positions

The following research groups currently seek new candidates:

Group Andreas Mayer - Postdoc positions: Nutrient signaling - phosphate and energy homeostasos through SPX domain

PhD positions

The following research groups currently seek new candidates. Applications can be sent to the PhD program, which organizes two selections per year.


PhD positions of the PhD program

Other PhD positions

In addition, the Department also encourages spontaneous applications of PhD candidates directly to individual group leaders.

UNIL open positions, all categories

Chemin des Boveresses 155 - CP 51 - CH-1066 Epalinges
Tel. +41 21 692 5700
Fax +41 21 692 5705