Conferences, Workshops and Activities
27 March, Colloque CEMEP (Centre d'Etudes Médiévales et Post-Médiévales), University of Lausanne, Château de Dorigny, 9:30-18:00
CEMEP Conference (Lausanne)27 March, Colloque CEMEP (Centre d'Etudes Médiévales et Post-Médiévales), University of Lausanne, Château de Dorigny, 9:30-18:00
CEMEP Conference (Lausanne)17-18 April 2009, Module of the CUSO doctoral programme in English on 'Medieval and Early Modern English Literature and the Question of Periodization', University of Basel, chief organizer Prof. Ina Habermann, keynote lectures by Dr David Matthews (University of Manchester) and Prof. Gordon McMullan (King's College, London)
8-9 May 2009, SAUTE conference, ‘Performing the Self: the Construction of Pre-Modern and Modern Identities in Language and Literature’, University of Fribourg
25 September 2009, SAMEMES Annual General Meeting, Neuchâtel.
Guest lectures by Prof. Monika Fludernik (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg): 'Representations of Consciousness in Narrative from the Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries'
and Prof. Greg Walker (University of Edinburgh): 'Witnessing Performance: A Spectatorial Turn in Early Drama Studies, from the York Cycle to Shakespeare'
2 April: Guest Lecture by Michael Hattaway : 'The Occasion of As You Like it and Editing the Play', University of Fribourg, Room 3113 Miséricorde, 3.15 pm
22 April: Guest Lecture by Kenneth P. Clarke (Pembroke College, Cambridge): 'Dante and Chaucer', University of Lausanne, Room 5071 Anthropole, 1.15 pm.
30 April 2009, Prof. Margaret Bridges, farewell lecture at the University of Bern: 'Sites of Writing: the Medieval Author in Bed' (18.15, Hauptgebäude der Universität Bern, Hörsaal 220)