Welcome to the School of Biology

Word of the Direction

Welcome to the website of the School of Biology of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne! Whether you are a future student, student or teacher, you will find all the useful information you need about the content of our study programs, the rules, the conditions for success, and much more.


Studying biology is above all about being curious to discover how organisms function, interact and evolve. But it also means preparing to have an impact on the world: understanding living organisms is essential to take care of ourselves and our environment. Citizens trained in biology have and will have to face increasingly complex challenges, since they contribute, among other things, to the development of precision medicine, the management of climate change, and rapid technological progress.


The School of Biology offers one Bachelor and four Master programs to passionate students who want to prepare for their future. During their training, students acquire a broad scientific knowledge of how living organisms work at all levels of their organization: from molecules to organisms in their ecosystems, now and in their long evolution. Our programs give an important place to field or laboratory practice, as well as a quantitative approach to biology. Optional courses offer the possibility of multidisciplinary training, while the 3rd year of the Bachelor opens the door to mobility and academic exchanges. Last but not least, students learn to work in teams, communicate in French and English, cultivate their curiosity, analytical and critical thinking, and acquire the abilities to learn independently.


Being trained in biology is an asset to our society, even in professions unrelated to biology. Our graduates have a wide range of professional opportunities related or not to biology, in fields as varied as research, teaching, administration, industry, communication, intellectual property or politics.


We wish you a very pleasant visit on our website and remain at your disposal for any further information.


Angela Ciuffi, Director

Justine Collier, Vice-director

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Tel. +41 21 692 40 10
Fax +41 21 692 40 05