Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Programme


© Alain Herzog - Unil

Sortie.jpgFew entering university students have had significant experience with research into the unknown. Initial university courses provide descriptions of fundamental processes that are well established, indeed “in the textbooks”. The first opportunity to do research at the edge of the unknown can be a life changing experience that is remembered for the rest of one’s life. The School of Biology of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne proposes the Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Programme for the uninitiated to obtain that first experience.

bench.jpg (SUR 2013)This programme will host 15 Bachelor (first university degree) students with both biological and medical studies background from around the world (including 1-2 from Lausanne) for an 8-week sojourn. Each participant will perform an individual research project in a different laboratory of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine. This programme aims to attract outstanding motivated students from near and far for a research experience that will remain with them for their lifetimes.


© Laurence Flückiger & Félix Imhof - Unil

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