The LAB: association for students in Biology


To monitor and improve the Bachelor and Master curricula, the School of Biology has established a Commission Consultative des Etudiants (CCE).

Who makes up the CCE?

According to the Regulations of the School of Biology, the CCE includes:

  • Two student representatives of each year of the Bachelor curriculum (BSc1, BSc2 and BSc3)
  • One student representatives of each Master curriculum
  • Two student representatives of the first year of Pharmacy
  • The director of the School of biology
  • The student advisor (conseillère pédagogique) of the School of biology

The student representatives are elected at the general meeting of L’Association des étudiants en Biologie (LAB). A student, which is in principle a member of the LAB, chairs this Commission.

The roles of delegates

  • Being the spokesperson for their respective stage of the curriculum to the School of Biology - Communicating the decisions of the CCE and the answers of the School of Biology to questions asked.

The aims of the CCE:

  • Discuss issues related to studying at the School of Biology.
  • Identify and solve educational problems faced by the students or any other matter likely to improve the lives of the students in Biology (print quota, places of work in libraries ...)
  • Take part in various education projects of the School of Biology.

The schedule of the meetings

The CCE meets three to four times a year and urgent cases for each year are treated in between, if necessary.

Follow us:    

LAB - L'Association des étudiants en Biologie

Amphipôle bureau 236
1015 Lausanne


Amphipôle - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 40 10
Fax +41 21 692 40 05