Certification de compétence linguistique dans le domaine académique disciplinaire (CLAD)

CLAD (Certification de compétence linguistique dans le domaine académique disciplinaire) is a free certification programme offered by the Faculty to students in English, German, Italian, Spanish, and French as a Foreign Language. This certification is particularly useful for students who wish to go to the HEP to become an English teacher and who do have other certifications but all are welcome to participate.

New students taking English as one of their disciplines in their BA are automatically enrolled in the C1 certification programme in their first year. Students who do not wish to participate can deregister through the Faculty. Students who do not submit work are automatically deregistered. It is not possible to join CLAD later in your English studies. 

Students in our MA programme have the option of working towards C2 certification. They must enrol themselves using the official registration system in accordance with course registration deadlines. Please note that students must already have a C1 certificate in English in order to participate in CLAD.  

In both cases, students receive their certificates only upon completion of their studies. 

For more information, please visit the CLAD webpage.

A general information session is held by the Faculty in every October, typically in Week 3 of the semester. The English department also holds its own session, on Monday 16 October. Details can be found under our events.   


Please contact Philip Lindholm if you have any questions.

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Offices #5065-70 - Anthropole - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 29 13