Fanny Langlet group

An adequate balance between energy supply and energy expenditure is essential to ensure a healthy life. To maintain this energy homeostasis, the brain is engaged in continuous dialogue with peripheral tissues to regulate the fraction of energy that enters (i.e., food intake) and leaves (i.e., energy expenditure) the organism. The reliability of this regulatory system is contingent on the adequate sensing and integration of metabolic signals by the brain. These metabolic signals –which include hormones and nutrients- convey information about the nutritional status and body energy stores and allow the brain to respond to the physiological demand.

In the last decade, it has become clear that tanycytes –peculiar hypothalamic glial cells lining the bottom of the third ventricle– are in a prime position to detect variations of nutrient and hormone levels and transmit the metabolic information to neurons then. Our research aims to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the dialogue between tanycytes and neurons, the heterogeneity of these interactions, and their functional disturbances induced by obesity. Our expertise includes neuroanatomy, gene expression profiling, and mouse physiology, focusing on energy balance and glucose homeostasis.

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Fanny Langlet, group leader

+ 41 21 692 55 41


Rue du Bugnon 7 - CH-1005 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 55 00
Fax +41 21 692 55 05