© Sergey Nivens - Fotolia
© Sergey Nivens - Fotolia
The pandemic has shown us that circumstances beyond our control may require us to make adjustments/adaptations to schedules. Therefore, the various schedules of the School of Biology courses may be subject to change. They are regularly updated. The date of the last version of the schedule is indicated in the name of the document.
Master of Science in Behaviour, Evolution and Conservation |
Module 1 |
MSc BEC - Module 1 - Autumn 2024 - version 12.08.2024 (73 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation BEE - Module 1 - Autumn 2024 - version 12.08.2024 (73 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation CEE - Module 1 - Autumn 2024 - version 12.08.2024 (66 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation GEE - Module 1 - Autumn 2024 - version 12.08.2024 (63 Ko) |
Module 3 - Autumn |
MSc BEC - Module 3 - Autumn 2024 - version 09.09.2024 (63 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation BEE - Module 3 - Autumn 2024 - version 09.09.2024 (69 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation CEE - Module 3 - Autumn 2024 - version 09.09.2024 (65 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation GEE - Module 3 - Autumn 2024 - version 09.09.2024 (69 Ko) |
Module 3 - Spring |
MSc BEC - Spring 2025 - version 18.02.2025 (99 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation BEE - Spring 2025 - version 18.02.2025 (101 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation CEE - Spring 2025 - version 18.02.2025 (110 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation GEE - Spring 2025 - version 18.02.2025 (95 Ko) |
Master of Science in Medical Biology |
MSc MB - Autumn 2024 - version 16.12.2024 (93 Ko) |
MSc MB - Immunologie et cancer - Printemps 2025 - version 10.02.2025 (187 Ko) |
MSc MB - Metabolism and Human Health - Spring 2025 - version 07.01.2025 (132 Ko) |
MSc MB - Neuroscience - Spring 2025 - version 12.02.2025 (142 Ko) |
MSc MB - Pharmacology and Toxicology - Spring 2025 - version 07.01.2025 (136 Ko) |
Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences |
MSc MLS - Autumn 2024 - version 12.08.2024 (112 Ko) |
MSc MLS - Spring 2025 - version 07.01.2025 (77 Ko) |
Master of Science in Human Taphonomy |
MSc HT - Autumn 2024 - version 08.11.2024 (195 Ko) |
MSc HT - Spring 2025 - version 11.02.2025 (170 Ko) |
The pandemic has shown us that circumstances beyond our control may require us to make the following adjustments /adaptations to study plans during the semester:
Students are invited to consult this document regularly (Study Plan & Evaluation Procedure).
Master of Science in Behaviour, Evolution and Conservation |
Study Plan Master BEC - 2024-2025 (115 Ko) |
Study Plan Master BEC specialisation BEE - 2024-2025 (149 Ko) |
Study Plan Master BEC specialisation CEE - 2024-2025 (134 Ko) |
Study Plan Master BEC specialisation GEE - 2024-2025 (134 Ko) |
Master of Science in Medical Biology |
Study Plan Master MB - 2024-2025 (246 Ko) |
Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences |
Study Plan Master MLS - 2024-2025 (158 Ko) |
Master of Science in Human Taphonomy |
Study Plan Master HT - 2024-2025 (101 Ko) |
The course descriptions are available on the internet of the University of Lausanne at the page: Programmes offered at the UNIL under the heading Structure of the Stage .
For the study plans of previous academic years, please visit our Archives page.
For students following a Master's curriculum at the School of Biology, the registration for courses is mandatory and can be done via the Internet from the link below, within the periods set by the School of Biology at the beginning of semester. Outside of these periods, registration is not possible.
Make sure that you have activated your UNIL computer access
Step by step tutorials guiding you through the course registration procedure are available for each Master by clicking on the link below, and going to the "Registrations for courses and exams, and deadlines" tab.
Course registration tutorials for Master's (in English):
BEC tutorial
MB Tutorial
MLS Tutorial
Autumn semester:
Spring semester:
The School of Biology does not accept any registration, amendment or withdrawal outside of the registration periods.
Requests for special arrangements for students with disabilities are governed by the Directive of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine “Mesures de soutien et aménagements pour les étudiants en situation de handicap").The Directive is the only authoritative document on the conditions, deadlines, procedures, etc. for requests for special arrangements with disabilities.
Requests for special arrangements for the exams should be sent to biologie-etudiants@unil.ch within the first 6 weeks of the semester:
All requests must be made by the student in writing and must be accompanied by an expert opinion from a specialized service or doctor. Learning disabilities (dys* problems) can be certified by a logopedist.
The official document (in the original version!) certifying the disability must contain the following elements:
The medical expertise must have been carried out within a recent period of time, less than 12 months, or be confirmed by the attending physician within the same period of time, in order to attest to its validity for the period concerned, i.e., the date of commencement of studies and of the examination session for which the request for accommodation is made.
If the student has benefited from support and special measures during a previous training, they should, if possible, also submit the document mentioning the measures obtained.
The documents must be written in French, English, German or Italian.
Any incomplete application (or one written in a language other than those specified above) will be refused and must be completed in accordance with the above-mentioned elements within the specified deadlines. It is the student’s responsibility to ask their doctor to establish a medical certificate in accordance with the above-mentioned indications.
NB: For dyslexics and dysorthographics, a report from a logopedist may be accepted in lieu of the medical certificate.
The School of Biology makes a decision, specifying the special arrangements accepted and the duration for which they are granted. It reserves the right not to grant all or part of the requested arrangements depending on the available resources (human, infrastructure, etc.) or if the request is disproportionate.
Please go to the Research projects page.
The pandemic has shown us that circumstances beyond our control may require us to change / modify the evaluation modalities, without inducing derogations from the Study Regulations (oral <-> written, exam <-> validation, individual work <-> group work, practical work <-> theoretical work, face-to-face evaluation <-> online evaluation, etc.)
Students are invited to consult this document regularly (Study Plan & Evaluation Procedure).
The dates of the exam sessions are in the file:
Exam schedule 2024-2025 (in french only)
Students must be available throughout the entire period of each session. The examination schedules are listed below before each session. Students are notified of the publication of the exam schedules by email.
WARNING : The schedules published on the website are subject to change and no appeal based on the published schedules can be made.
At the end of each exam period, an electronic record is prepared for each student, indicating if the student has passed or failed the corresponding step in the Bachelor or Master curriculum.
The requirements for passing these steps are given just below.
Master of Science in Behaviour, Evolution and Conservation |
MSc BEC - Examination program 2024-2025 (36 Ko) |
MSc BEC - Evaluation procedure 2024-2025 - version 18.02.2025 (59 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation BEE - Examination program 2024-2025 (37 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation BEE - Evaluation procedure 2024-2025 - version 18.02.2025 (68 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation CEE - Examination program 2024-2025 (37 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation CEE - Evaluation procedure 2024-2025 - version 18.02.2025 (65 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation GEE - Examination program 2024-2025 (37 Ko) |
MSc BEC specialisation GEE - Evaluation procedure 2024-2025 - version 18.02.2025 (67 Ko) |
Master of Science in Medical Biology |
MSc MB - Examination program 2024-2025 (34 Ko) |
MSc MB - Evaluation procedure 2024-2025 - version 17.09.2024 (49 Ko) |
Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences |
MSc MLS - Examination program 2024-2025 (43 Ko) |
MSc MLS - Evaluation procedure 2024-2025 - version 17.09.2024 (61 Ko) |
Master of Science in Human Taphonomy |
MSc HT - Examination program 2024-2025 (40 Ko) |
MSc HT - Evaluation procedure 2024-2025 - version 17.09.2024 (53 Ko) |
On request students have access to marked copies of their examinations after each examination session. The student has to ask the teacher within 7 days following the exam publication.
Consulting an examination copy could serve to understand the note obtained or to set of arguments for building a case for appeal.
An appeal can only be lodged within the 33 calendar days following the electronic notification of the exam results (initial date = email announcing the publication of the results on MyUNIL, sent by the secretariat of the School of Biology).
To be accepted, an appeal must:
• Cite precise and admissible motives, such as non-compliance with the regulations, improper procedure, grievance over arbitrariness.
• Be written by the student or be accompanied by a proxy of the student if it is lodged by a third person.
Address the appeal to:
Direction de l’Ecole de biologie
Quartier UNIL-Sorge
Bâtiment Amphipôle
CH-1015 Lausanne
Service juridique provides you with an internet page dedicated to Appeals (only in French) : www.unil.ch/service-juridique/home/menuinst/recours-etudiants.html