Program structure

The expected duration of studies leading to the award of the PhD degree in History and Philosophy of Economics is five years (there are special cases, for instance four years with a SNFS scholarship). The doctoral program is organized in two steps.


In a first step, candidates should successfully follow these mandatory lectures:

Equivalences can be awarded to those candidates who already followed similar lectures, and an alternative program can also be imposed in some cases. The successful completion of all the required lectures is necessary for the completion of the first step.


In a second step, doctoral students are required:

  • To participate to the internal and external seminars, and to the conferences organised by the Centre Walras-Pareto. The participation to other seminars, such as those organised in HEC, may be required as well;
  • To actively participate to conferences in their field;
  • To write their dissertation. In principle, the dissertation consists in a monograph. See the regulations on this. The defense of the dissertation is also done in two steps: first in private in front of a PhD committee, and eventually a revised version of the dissertation is presented in front the same PhD committee, in a public session.
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