Studying at UNIL


First of all, your home university needs to put your name forward (“nominate” you) to UNIL as an exchange student. Once this has been done, we will contact you to ask you to enrol online. When you enrol, you will be asked to select the type of agreement under which your exchange is taking place (general agreement, faculty agreement, Swiss-European Mobility Programme/ex-Erasmus or Swiss mobility) and then the area or areas of study in which you would like to take classes during your time at UNIL.


At this stage, if you intend to take French classes alongside your programme of studies in your faculty/school/section during your exchange, you will need to select the “Plan libre EFLE” (École de Français langue étrangère – School of French as a Foreign Language free plan) as a secondary study plan (your first plan is the one for your faculty/school/section).


You do not need to enrol for classes and examinations at this point: this only happens after the start of the semester, once you have arrived at UNIL.


Once your enrolment has been finalised, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt: this is not a confirmation of your admission to UNIL; it simply confirms that your enrolment has been recorded.


You will then receive an e-mail, confirming that you have been admitted to UNIL as an exchange student, an official admission letter and some practical information about your time in Lausanne. No documents will be sent to you by post.


Enrolment for classes and examinations takes place after the start of the semester, once you have arrived. There is therefore nothing to do in this respect when you enrol online.


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