Personal computer


FLS @ Unil

Students in Biology must have their own personal laptop.

Three possible situations :

1. You already have a laptop : nothing to do but to have the minimal required configuration.

2. You don't have a laptop or the one you have is too old : you can buy one where you want to

We suggest offers from Poseidon EPFL which is accessible for UNIL students (4 years guarantee replacement of defectuous machines and so on)

3. Your laptop does not have the minimal required configuration and you cannot afford one.


The School of Biology can lend you one to support your studies under the following conditions :

  • these laptops are lent during academic periods (semester and exam periods)
  • the systems will be re-initialized between academic periods
  • the borrower vows to respect the material and to reimburse it in case of loss or damage
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