Student Advisory Board

The Student Advisory Board (SAB) of the HUB is composed of all student associations interested in supporting the entrepreneurial spirit

The presidents and vice-presidents of each student association sit on the SAB. The SAB is open to all associations, whether entrepreneurship and innovation are at the center of their mission or not.

The mission of the SAB is as follows:

  1. Provide input to the management of the HUB so that its activities are aligned with the needs of UNIL students
  2. Act as a relay of the HUB to the students of the association and participate in stimulating entrepreneurship and innovation at UNIL
  3. Strengthen student associations by providing them with strategic and entrepreneurial skills

Collaboration between the HUB and the SAB student associations is key. Student associations, through their activities, contribute to the dynamic and entrepreneurial spirit of the University of Lausanne. This collaboration also fosters the creation of impactful events and initiatives that reflect the real needs of the diverse and dynamic UNIL student community.


Why join our Student Advisory Board ?

The value of being part of the SAB for the presidents and vice-presidents of the associations includes:

Skills development: Workshops for student associations are offered by the HUB's network of experts to develop leadership skills as well as skills specific to the associative aspect (for example, workshops on : mission, marketing and branding, networking and partnerships).

Participate in the governance of the HUB: This is the opportunity to be part of the governance of a project with a structured agenda and supervised by the management of the HUB. The SAB meets 3 times a year (for approximately 1 hour 30 minutes). The purpose of these meetings is to align the activities of the HUB with the needs of the students and to generate ideas for new initiatives.

Meet other associations & access to network: Within the SAB, the presidents and vice-presidents of the associations will be able to meet, which will facilitate potential collaborations. It is also the opportunity for associations to create links with the university community and to extend their network.

Obtain financial support for new initiatives : The HUB supports new initiatives up to CHF 2'500.- (maximum per association). This support is not sponsorship but assistance to help in the launch phase of a new project within an association. The criteria on which the HUB team bases itself to grant or not a part of the fund are as follows : 1) new initiative of the association, 2) link with the mission and values of the HUB, 3) inclusion: open initiative to students from several faculties or institutions.

The associations of the Student Advisory Board

10 student associations have joined us as part of our Student Advisory Boad. So you can, join us here !

Follow us:        
Villanova - Route Cantonale 16  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 6145