Curran Kevin

Curran Kevin

Contact Curriculum Research Teaching Publications

Teaching given to the UNIL

2023-> Marlowe’s Theater... Séminaire
2021-> The Shakespeare Workshop... Séminaire
2017-> Anglo-American Literary Survey 1&2... Cours
2024->2024 Dublin and London Stages, 1890-1925... Séminaire
2024->2024 Etudes anglaises: conférences (Guest Lecture / Staff Meeting)... Cours
2024->2024 Shakespeare’s Justice... Séminaire
2023->2024 Explication de textes : English Renaissance Drama... Séminaire
2023->2023 Experiments in Theater, 1950 to the Present... Séminaire
2023->2023 Shakespeare's Sonnets... Séminaire
2017->2023 Critical Approaches... Séminaire
2015->2023 Etudes anglaises: conférences (Guest Lecture / Staff Meeting)... Cours
2022->2022 Shakespeare and Selfhood... Séminaire
2021->2021 Marlowe's Theater... Séminaire
2020->2020 English Renaissance Drama... Séminaire
2020->2020 Experiments in Theater, 1950 to the Present ... Séminaire
2020->2020 Explication de Textes: William Shakespeare's Hamlet... Séminaire
2020->2020 Shakespeare and Selfhood... Séminaire
2016->2020 Shakespeare's Theater... Séminaire
2015->2020 Research Methodologies... Séminaire
2019->2019 Explication de textes : The Merchant of Venice: Text and Script... Séminaire
2019->2019 Explication de textes : Theaters of Knowledge : Marlowe and Shakespeare... Séminaire
2019->2019 Explication de textes : William Wycherley's The Country Wife... Séminaire
2019->2019 Global Theatricality in Renaissance England... Séminaire
2019->2019 The Legal Imagination: Renaissance Texts/Contemporary Questions... Séminaire
2019->2019 What Can Theater Do? Thinking with Caryl Churchill... Séminaire
2018->2018 Experiments in Theater, 1950 to the Present... Séminaire
2018->2018 Explication de textes : George Etherege's The Man of Mode... Séminaire
2018->2018 Explication de textes : Shakespeare Through Performance : Much Ado About Nothing and King Lear... Séminaire
2018->2018 Explication de textes : Shakespeare's Sonnets... Séminaire
2018->2018 Modernist Women's Erotic Writing... Séminaire
2018->2018 Renaissance Theatricality... Séminaire
2017->2018 English Renaissance Drama... Séminaire
2017->2017 Introduction to Literary Analysis... Séminaire
2017->2017 Shakespeare and Selfhood... Séminaire
2017->2017 The Legal Imagination in Renaissance England... Séminaire
2016->2016 Explication de textes : Shakespeare's Sonnets... Séminaire
2016->2016 Explication de textes : Tragic Knowledge: Marlowe's Faustus, Shakespeare's Macbeth... Séminaire
2016->2016 Renaissance Theatricality... Séminaire
2016->2016 Survey of Anglo-American Literature, Parts I and II... Cours
2016->2016 The Global Renaissance... Séminaire
2013->2016 Introduction aux approches critiques... Cours
2015->2015 Community and Conflict: Literature and Society from Jonson to Milton... Séminaire
2015->2015 English Renaissance Drama: Performance, Reception, Imagination... Séminaire
2015->2015 Introduction to Literary Analysis... Séminaire
2015->2015 Shakespeare and Selfhood... Séminaire




Kevin Curran specializes in English Renaissance drama with a particular focus on Shakespeare. He is the editor of the book series “Edinburgh Critical Studies in Shakespeare and Philosophy” and author of Shakespeare’s Legal Ecologies: Law and Distributed Selfhood (2017) and Marriage, Performance, and Politics at the Jacobean Court (2009). He is the editor of Renaissance Personhood (2019), Shakespeare and Judgment (2016), and co-editor of a special issue of the journal Criticism on “Shakespeare and Phenomenology” (2012). In 2017, Prof. Curran was named Distinguished International Visiting Fellow at the Center for the History Of Emotions in Australia. He is the founder and President of the Lausanne Shakespeare Festival.

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