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  • You have first to choose one laboratory, see below.
  • Contact thesis directors of interest and if they appreciate your CV, ask them to send you a confirmation by email that she/he agrees to act as your potential thesis director and confirms that you were in contact with her/him before applying.
  • You should mention her/his name in your application form (see STEP 2) to continue your application.

Host Labs


Laboratories  Thesis Directors Subject proposed    
Anesthesiology Suter Marc Exploring the pathophysiology of spinal microglia in chronic pain condition    
Biomedical Data Science Center Raisaro Jean Louis Clinical Data Science: "Developing innovative solutions based on machine learning and artificial intelligence for improving sepsis care".    
Biomedical sciences Amati Francesca

From organellar to organismal metabolism, translational research from human diseases to cellular models and zebrafish.

Biomedical sciences Tzanoulinou Stamatina

Long-term consequences of social stress

Brain Computer Interfaces and Neuroprosthetics Lorach Henri Development of bi-directional Brain Computer Interfaces and neuroprosthetic systems to alleviate neurological deficits.    
Center for Integrative Genomics Benton Richard

Evolution of neural circuits or evolution of toxin resistance

Center for Integrative Genomics Fankhauser Christian

Plant growth and development are profoundly influenced by their environment. Light and temperature are two external cues with a particularly strong impact as can be observed with global warming affecting vegetation. We are trying to understand the underlying mechanisms primarily using the model species Arabidopsis thaliana

Center for Integrative Genomics Gatfield David Studying the role of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in cancer.    
Center for Integrative Genomics Larsch Johannes Neurogenetics of social behavior    
Center for Integrative Genomics Vastenhouw Nadine HOT regions in the genome are regions with an unusual High Occupancy of Transcription factors. These regions have been suggested to affect gene expression but exactly how they function is not clear. We have recently identified HOT regions in the zebrafish genome that all come together in nuclear space. This may provide an important clue to the function of HOT regions as these clusters could potentially provide an important source of transcription factors. The aim of this project is to answer how these regions come together, and how that impacts heir function. You will use state of the art sequencing and imaging approaches to address these questions.    
Clinical Neuroscience Crottaz-Herbette Sonia Modulation of brain activation and structure by cognitive training in stroke patients and healthy subjects    
Clinical Neuroscience De Lucia Marzia The neural underpinning of bodily and sensory stimulus processing in humans in varieties of conscious and unconscious states    
Computational Biology Kutalik Zoltan Region-specific causal effect of risk factors on cardio-metabolic outcomes.    



Laboratories  Thesis Directors  Subject proposed
Ecology and Evolution Mullon Charles Mathematical modelling of eco-evolutionary processes
Ecology and Evolution  Pannell John

Evolution of plant sexual systems and/or sex chromosomes

Ecology and Evolution Robinson-Rechavi Marc

Either evolution of animal genomes and development, or bioinformatics of gene expression database, specific subject to determine with the candidate

Ecology and Evolution Roulin Alexandre To study foraging strategies in the barn owl
Ecology and Evolution Wedekind Claus

Anthropogenic effects on the genetic load of salmonid populations

Family Medicine Müller Chabloz Yolanda In Switzerland, 85% of antibiotics are prescribed on an outpatient basis. Optimizing the prescription of antibiotics helps prevent the development of antibiotic resistance. The antimicrobial stewardship group is interested in the bet way to promote the appropriate use of antibiotics in ambulatory care. We carry out research aimed at better understanding antibiotic prescribing in Switzerland, evaluating the effectiveness of innovative interventions, and the implementation of evidence-based strategies.
Fundamental Microbiology Collier Justine DNA replication and DNA methylation in Alphaproteobacteria.
Fundamental Microbiology Engel Philipp Metabolic crosstalk between the gut microbiota and the host; Ecology and evolution of the gut microbiota; bee health, Wet lab and bioinformatics; Multi-omics analyses
Fundamental Microbiology Gruber Stephan Elucidating SMC functions in chromosome segregation and in DNA immunity
Fundamental Microbiology Mitri Sara

Making and breaking coexistence in bacterial communities

Fundamental Microbiology Navarro Paula Host-phage interactions in corynebacteriales using in situ cryo-electron microscopy
Fundamental Microbiology Schaerli Yolanda 

Diverse projects in synthetic biology, including synthetic gene regulatory networks, engineered living materials, synthetic pattern formation, CRISPR-based networks, synthetic oscillators, bacterial biosensors

Fundamental Microbiology Veening Jan-Willem

The student gets to choose their pathogen of interest (pneumococcus, staphylococcus aureus, Group A Strep) and design a set of chemogenomics screens using CRISPRi-seq that will uncover new biology. Read more

Fundamental Neurosciences Bagni Claudia

The Development of the Hedonic Nose in Health and Disease

Cellular Communications in Early Brain Development Using Human Brain Organoids

Fundamental Neurosciences Croizier Sophie Sexual dimorphism of hypothalamic cilia
Fundamental Neurosciences Kathe Claudia From neuronal circuits to motor deficits: exploring spinal network maturation in cerebral palsy
Fundamental Neurosciences Neukomm Lukas Metabolic control of neuronal health and function
Fundamental Oncology Petrova Tatiana

1. Modulation of the tumor microenvironment by bacterial metabolites
2. Interorgan communication via blood and lymphatic vessels
3. Strategies for prevention of colon cancer




Laboratories   Thesis Directors Subject proposed
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Gouttenoire Jérôme

Investigating the host factors required for hepatitis E virus (HEV) life cycle

Geriatrics D'Amelio Patrizia

The present study will test the hypothesis that in malnourished patients hospitalized in a geriatric rehabilitation unit, a nutritional intervention combining BCAAs and selected micronutrients may improve the nutritional status and the clinical consequences of malnutrition, namely sarcopenia and impaired immune function through modulation of the mitochondrial bioenergetics, oxidative state, inflammaging and innate immune defense.

Geriatrics Jox Ralf J. The wish to die and its link to assisted suicide: a mixed-method study;
1) Retrospective quantitative questionnaire study among all 20'000 members of EXIT Suisse romande assessing the wish to die and associations with socio-demographic and psychometric variables
2) Psychometric valiadation of the Wish to Die Scale and longitudinal assessment of the wish to die using the method of Ecological Momentary Assessment
Immunobiology Draber Peter Enhancing anti-tumor immunity by promoting IL-17-induced signaling and Tregs conversion
Immunobiology Esser-von Bieren Julia Regulation of IL-4-driven ferroptosis in asthma
Immunobiology Rebsamen Manuele Functional and mechanistic characterization of solute carriers in immune responses

Infectious Diseases

Roger Thierry Harnessing innate immune training (innate immune memory) to improve sepsis management
Information Systems Villa Alessandro

Mindscope: Bridging the gap between fNIRS and neuronal dynamics during decision making

Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL)

Place Nicolas

To be discussed with the interest of the candidate but in principle focused on ( i ) skeletal muscle plasticity with a translational approach (from cell to human) and/or ( ii ) neuromuscular adaptations to exercise

Microbiology Greub Gilbert Mechanisms of resistance to antimicrobial peptides in Gram-negative pathogens

Obstetrics, Gestational diabetes

Puder Jardena Relationships between eating behavior, brain responses to food viewing, and metabolic health outcomes
Oncology Herrera Fernanda Exploring the Immunological Landscape of Radiation-Induced Cellular Senescence
Oncology Verdeil Grégory Mechanisms regulating NFAT5 dependent inhibition of anti-tumor response in exhausted CD8 T cells
Ophtalmology Ansar Muhammad The discovery of new inherited retinal dystrophy genes and exploring therapeutic options for Cohen syndrome
Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Anschütz Lukas Novel cortical interfaces to treat hearing defects




Laboratories  Thesis Directors  Subject proposed
Plant Molecular Biology Hardtke Christian Developmental Cell Biology of the Plant Vasculature
Plant Molecular Biology Marín Arancibia Macarena To nodulate or not nodulate: a legume's dilemma
Psychiatric Neurosciences Toni Nicolas

Adult hippocampal neurogenesis, from regulation mechanisms to Depression and Alzheimer's disease

Psychiatry Preisig Martin Vailability of large data sets. Specific topic needs to be defined in function of the candidate's interests either on the risk of children of parents with psychiatric disorders or links between psychiatric disorders and cardiovascular risk factors in the general population.
Radiology Murray Micah

Longitudinal study of multisensory development in schoolchildren

Radiology Pascucci David Neural correlates of temporal variability in human perception and cognitive performance.
Swiss BioMotion Lab Favre Julien Human movement biomechanics
Thoracic Surgery Perentes Jean Tumor biology and translation research in the context of chest malignancies
Vascular surgery Allagnat Florent Impact of pre-operative nutrition on circadian rhythm and surgical stress
Woman - Mother - Child Horsch Antje The SwiTCH study focuses on parents' experiences following the birth of a child. The main aims of the study are (1) to assess the proportion of births experienced with difficulty by mothers and their partners, (2) to identify risk and protective factors for mothers and their partners, and (3) to study the possible consequences of a difficult birth on different variables (mental health, couple relationship, parent-child relationship, care behaviours). Link to the published protocol



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Doctoral school
PhD Fellowships
University of Lausanne
Faculty of Biology and Medicine
Amphipôle - Office n°304
1015 Lausanne/Switzerland

+41 21 692 40 06


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PhD Fellowships 2025


Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)Unisanté