
At Bachelor level, there are two types of internships:

1. Management internship

Option to earn 6 ECTS credits by completing an internship in a business.

Who is eligible?

The internship is open to students who have successfully completed Modules 1 and 2 of the Bachelor's program.

Conditions and duration

  • The internship must last for at least eight weeks, full-time, in a single department of the company.
  • Part-time work throughout the year does not count as an internship.

Internship agreement

The internship project must be approved by an HEC professor or lecturer, who undertakes to sign an internship agreement and evaluate the internship.

  • Interns must be supervised in the company by a competent and experienced tutor, whose name is indicated in the internship agreement.
  • The agreement must be submitted no later than 15 days after the start of the internship to The internship will not be validated after it has been completed.
  • The internship agreement form and all the conditions to be met are included.


The internship project is assessed on the basis of an internship report, which is evaluated by the professor in charge.

Internship opportunities

View internship and job offers from the Career Center (access with HEC Lausanne student login).

2. Professional field experience


The HEC Faculty aims to train graduates with a sense of responsibility and humility in facing the challenges of the economic world. For this reason, the faculty encourages hands-on professional experiences gained through paid work that allows you to support yourself. The Professional Field Experience can take place throughout the entire Bachelor’s program, but credits are only validated during the third year of the Bachelor.

At the end of their EPT, students will be able to:

  • Understand the perspective of employees whose work is often undervalued;
  • Engage in critical reflection on the labor market;
  • Write a report linking their hands-on experience with the lessons learned in their Bachelor’s program.


This course is worth 3 ECTS.

Please consult the Moodle page for this course to learn about eligibility, registration, and evaluation conditions:

 3. Volunteer Experience


The HEC Faculty aims to train graduates with a sense of responsibility and humility regarding civic actions in the region. For this reason, the faculty encourages Volunteer Experiences conducted by its students with a non-profit organization (NPO).

At the end of their Volunteer Experience, students will be able to:

  • Share the values they promoted during their experience and reflect on how they applied their skills in one or more areas of civic action, such as culture, sports, social issues, environmental protection, politics and human rights, as well as cooperation and development, and discuss the sense of having served a cause close to their heart;
  • Engage in critical reflection on the role of volunteer work in our society;
  • Write a report linking their volunteer experience with the lessons learned in their Bachelor’s program.


This course is worth 3 ECTS.

Please consult the Moodle page for this course to learn about eligibility, registration, and evaluation conditions:

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Association of MBAs (AMBA)Business School Impact System (BSIS)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)