PhD Students




Fawzi Ajami, Group Vjestica, currently working on the subject "Molecular mechanisms of zygotic specification in fission yeasts" after a Master in Genomics and Health at the Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon, in 2022.


Daulet Amerzhanov, Group Bertelli Lombardo, currently working on "Diet and stress in vervet monkeys: The role of the gut microbiome" after a Doctor of Medicine degree at the Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, Astana, Kazakhstan in 2020.


Lucas Anchieri, Group Malaspinas, currently working on inferring evolutionary parameters (such as selection and dominance coefficients) from time-serial data, following a master degree in Molecular Life Sciences (specialization in Bioinformatics) from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2021.


Ahrmad Annan, Group Ciriello, currently working on Epigenetic and transcriptional programs underlying cancer cell plasticity, following a Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from the University of Bern, Switzerland, in February 2022.


Ayokunle Oluwaseun Araoyinbo, Group Vjestica, currently working on the subject "Molecular mechanisms of zygotic specification in fission yeasts" after a Master of science at the Leeds Beckett University, UK, in 2017.




Iman Darifa Bentahar, Group Fasshauer, currently working on "The evolution of SNARE proteins" after a Master of science in biology at the Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, in July 2018.


Michael Beyeler, Group Bergmann, currently working on the subject "Retina images and pathway analysis" after a Master in Science in Bioengineering at the EPFL, Switzerland, in 2018.





Sacha Bors, Group Bergmann, currently working on the subject "Evaluating the potential of image-derived phenotypes for cardiovascular diseases prognostic based on genetic association" after a Master in Mathematics at the EPFL, Switzerland, in October 2021.


Davide Bozzi, Group Malaspinas, currently working on the subject "Characterizing the metagenome of ancient individuals" after a Master of science at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, in 2020.


Andjela Brancic Trickovic, Group Vjestica, currently working on the subject "Regulation of homeodomain transcription factors by small peptides" after a Master of science at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 2020.

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Alessandro Brandulas Cammarata, Group Robinson-Rechavi, currently working on "Bioinformatics of characterizing expression variability" after a Master in Molecular Life Sciences at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2022.


Maxime Brunner, Group Santoni, currently working on the subject "The genetic basis of combined pituitary hormone deficiency and pituitary neoplasms" after a Master of science at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in January 2019.


Christabel Floi Bucao, Group Robinson-Rechavi, currently working on the subject "Evolution of gene expression" after a Master of Biophysics and Molecular Life Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK, in September 2018.


Daria Buszta, Groups Gottardo and Homicsko, currently working on the subject "Understanding mechanisms of response and relapse to immunotherapy using single-cell multi-omics analyses" after a BSc. Biomedical Sciences (with a year in industry) at the University of York in 2020 and a graduate scheme at AstraZeneca (2020-2022).



Alessia Carrara, Group Bertelli Lombardo / Greub, currently working on "Biomarkers of pathogenicity in clinical microbiology" after a Master in Molecular biotechnology and bioinformatics at the University of Milan, Italy, in October 2020.


Théo Cavinato, Group Malaspinas, currently working on the subject "Reconstruction of ancient DNA using genealogies" after a Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences - Specialization Bioinformatics, at the University of Lausanne, in January 2022.

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Caterina Cevallos Brenes, Group Reymond, currently working on "Unmasking the genetic underpinnings of variable expressivity in complex traits through common and rare variants integration" after a Master in Bioinformatics at the University of Bologna, Italy, in February 2023.


Carmen Chen, Group Guery, currently working on the subject "Microbiota and host response in Salmonella Typhimurium infection (MISTIC)" after a Master in Medical Microbiology at the University of Manchester, UK, in December 2019.



Yangji Choi, Groups Greub/Bertelli Lombardo, currently working on the subject "Microbiota metagenomics on SARS-CoV-2" after a Master 2 in Systems and synthetic biology at the Paris-Saclay University, France, in July 2020.



Hugo Corval, Group Goudet, currently working on "Evolution of colour in the genus Tyto" after a Master in Behavior, Evolution and Conservation (mention Computational Ecology and Evolution) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2022.


Michela Dall'Angelo, Group Fasshauer, currently working on "Structural and functional evolution of C2 domains in proteins" after a Master of science at the University of Verona, Italy, in March 2020.

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Elindi De Coning, Group Bertelli Lombardo, currently working on "Role of the microbiota along the gut-brain axis and Alzheimer's disease" after a Master at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2023.

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Alessia Del Panta, obtained a master degree in Physics from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in October 2019, and started working on collective behavior in microbial communities, in Group Dal Co. Currently she is continuing her project in Group Mitri.

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Estella Yixing Dong, Group Gottardo, currently working on the subject "Exploring normalization techniques and cell-cell communication with spatial transcriptomics", after a Master of science in Biostatistics at the University of Toronto, Canada, in December 2020.



Lukas Eberhardt, Group Engel, currently working on "Functional characterization of host-specific bee gut microbiota" after a Master at the Universität Heidelberg, Germany, in September 2023.


Natalia Gonzalez Gaarslev, Group Soyk, currently working on the subject "Investigating natural genetic variation and transcriptome dynamics shaping inflorescence architecture in tomato" after a Master in Genetic and Molecular Plant Science, at the Uppsala University, Sweden, in October 2019.


Nicolas Goss, Group Ivanisevic and Group Kutalik, currently working on "Metabolic view on sex hormonal status and health risk: A longitudinal lipidome-wide association study" after a Master in Biological Science at the University of Cologne, Germany, in April 2022.


Erfan Heidari, Group van Leeuwen, currently working on the subject "Mapping genetic interactions for missense mutations in human genes" after a Master of science in Human genetics at the Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, in June 2020.

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Isabela Jerônimo do Ó, Group Goudet, currently working on the methods for identifying local adaptation in complex population structure after a Master of Science in the University of British Columbia, Canada, in 2021.


twitter: @JeronimodoO



Jenisha Khadka, Group Gambetta, currently working on "Unraveling how regulatory elements find their distal target gene" after a Master in Molecular Life Sciences at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, in November 2021.

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Kenneth Kim, Group Robinson-Rechavi, currently working on the subject "Study on gene expression and evolution of Arthropod molting" after a Master of Science in Marine Science at the University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, in January 2019.

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Leona Knüsel, Group Kutalik, currently working on "Molecular mediation of environmental risk factors for cognitive decline" after a Master of Psychology at the University of Bern, Switzerland, in January 2021.

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Esther Landaluce Iturriria, Group Lopez-Mejia, currently working on "Macronutrition and signaling regulated rna splicing in adipose tissue", following a Master in Advanced Therapies and Biotechnology Innovation from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid, Spain, in 2019. She is also doing online since November 2021 a Master in Data Analysis in La Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Spain.




Pumin Li, Group Ciriello, currently working on the subject "Elucidating regulatory mechanisms mediating the widespread induction of FMR1 Gene Expression and FMRP pathway activity", after a Master of science at the Nanjing University, China, in June 2020.


Guillaume Lieb, Group Pelet, currently working on the subject "Quantitative analysis of MAPK induced transcription by dynamic single cell imaging" after a Master in Science at the University of Strasbourg, France, in November 2019.


Yan Liu, Group Gfeller, currently working on the subject "Computational analysis of alternative binding models in HLA-I ligands" after a Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Bern, Switzerland, in February 2022.



Samuel Moix, Group Kutalik, currently working on "Molecular perspectives of aging: Assessing the roles of telomere length and DNA methylation" after a Master at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in June 2023.


Elena Montenegro Borbolla, Groups Guery and Greub, currently working on the subject "Investigating human Clostridioides difficile infection" after a Master in microbiology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, in 2018.


Isabel Montejano Montelongo, Group Ciriello, currently working on "Decoding the interplay between chromatin 3D structure and cell plasticity in cancer", following a B.S. in Engineering in biotechnology at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Queretaro, Mexico, in June 2023.



Dana Moreno, Group Gfeller, currently working on "Modelling TCR repertoire and specificity" after a Master MSc in mathematical engineering, at the EPFL, Switzerland, in October 2022.


Marion Mouginot, Group Gambetta, currently working on the subject "Impact of chromosome conformation on gene regulation" after a Master of science at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France, in June 2019.


Shrinath Narayanan, Group Kawecki, currently working on the subject "Understanding adaptation to chronic malnutrition through experimental evolution in Drosophila" after a Erasmus Mundus Masters in Evolutionary Biology at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, in 2021. Earlier, I completed a masters in Cell and Molecular Biology at University of Texas at Dallas in 2017 and worked as Associate research technologist in Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University for two years.


Sedreh Nassirnia, Groups Greub/Bertelli Lombardo, currently working on the subject "Strenghts and limitations of microbiota analysis in clinical microbiology" after a Master in Bioinformatics and Systems biology- Data Analysis in Biology and Medicine at the ITMO, St-Petersburg, Russia, in September 2018.


Mam Malick Sy Ndiaye, Group Engel, currently working on the subject "Ecological dynamics of multistrain-multiphage interactions in gut-associated microbial communities" after a Master of science at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in January 2021.



Marion Nyamari, Group Robinson-Rechavi, currently working on "Global bioinformatics study of gene expression variability and splicing" after a Master in Bioinformatics at the Pwani University, Kenya, in November 2023.

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Sergey Oreshkov, Group Santoni, currently working on influence of gene expression on immune system after a Master of math and computer science at Baltic Federal University in Kaliningrad, Russia, in 2009.


Sofia Ortin Vela, Group Bergmann, currently working on the subject "Towards a better understanding of disease through advanced analysis of large-scale data" after a Master in Science in physics and neuroscience at the University of Zaragoza and University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in July 2020.

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Clara Pailler-Pradeau, Group Reymond, currently working on "Identification et caractérisation de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans des troubles du développement" after a Master in pharmaceutical biotechnology the University of Strasbourg, France, in June 2022.



Claire Paltenghi, Group van Leeuwen, currently working on "Mapping suppression interactions via drug-mediated CRISPR screens in HAP1 cells" after a Master in Sciences at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2022.


Giulia Perroud, Group Wedekind, currently working on genetic quality and evolutionary perspectives in an alpine salmonid (Lake Hallwil Whitefish) after a Master in Behavior, Evolution and Conservation (mention Behaviour, Economics and Evolution) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in February 2019.


Rémy Petremand, Group Harari, currently working on the subject "Developing algorithms to identify and profile relevant tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in situ" after a Master of science in Life Sciences and Technology with a Minor in Biocomputing at the École polytechnique fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, in September 2020.


Karol Piera, Group Dal Co, currently working on “Understanding dynamics of bee gut microbial ecology at the single cell level", following MSc in Neuroscience in Berlin, Germany, and scientific assistant position in synthetic biology in 2019 at ETH, D-BSSE in Basel (CH).


Aiswarya Prasad, Group Engel, currently working on the subject "Eco-evolutionary dynamics involved in the evolution and maintenance fo the bee gut microbiome" after a Master of science at the lndian lnstitute of Science, India, in July 2020.

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Silvia Prieto Baños, Group Dessimoz, currently working on "Reconstructing the evolutionary history of microsyntenies" after a Master in Biological sciences at the University of Aberdeen, UK, in July 2021.



Garance Sarton-Loheac, Group Engel, currently working on the subject "Genomics of social bee guts Symbiants" after a Master Master of science in Sciences moléculaires du vivant (mention Bioinformatics) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in January 2020.



Christelle Schneuwly, Group Chén, currently working on "Multimodal predictive models for Alzheimer's disease using brain imaging and genetic data" after a Master at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in October 2021.



Debora Sesia, Group Ciriello, currently working on the subject "Discovering cancer evolutionary axes: From selected alterations to functional dependencies" after completing a Master of Science, Stochastics and Data Science from the Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy, in July 2019.

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Badma Priya Soundara Pandiyan, Group Fankhauser, currently working on "Exploring the role of PKS4 in Arabidopsis phototropism" after a Master in Computational biology at Pondicherry University, India, in May 2020.



João Souto, Group Goudet, currently working on "The impact of introgression in the evolution and adaption of species" after a Master at the Porto University, Portugal, in November 2022.


Divyanshu Srivastava, Group Ciriello, currently working on the subject "Selection in adaptation in tumor evolution and therapeutic resistance" after a Master of Technology at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India in August 2018.



Jieran Sun, Group Gottardo, currently working on "Statistical Methods for Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis" after a Master in bioinformatics at the ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland, in June 2024.


Daniel TadrosGroup Gfeller, currently working on “Epitope predictions in cancer immunotherapy" after a Master of Science Msc in Life Sciences engineering at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in March 2021.

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Matei TelemanGroup Gfeller, currently working on “Research in single-cell analysis and development of methods inspired by the "SuperCell" concept" after a Master Mathématiques appliquées, statistique : Computational and mathematical biology (CMB) at the Aix-Marseille University, France, in September 2021.


Arianna Tonazzolli, Group Fasshauer, currently working on the subject "Evolutionary insights into the rise of type I C2 protein domain" after a Master in quantitative and computational biology at the University of Trento, Italy, in March 2020 and after working as a Bioinformatician at Prinses Maxima Centrum (Utrecht, the Netherlands) and Institut Français de Bioinformatique (Marseille, France).



Anastasiia Tonelli, Group Gambetta, currently working on the subject "Unbiased screening of factors important for gene insulation" after a Master of science at the University of Kyiv, Ukraine, in May 2019.


Alexandros Topaloudis, Group Goudet, currently working with a whole-genome dataset of barn owls to find out how their genome is structured and how their genotype shapes their phenotype after a Master of science at the University of Lausanne, in February 2020.


Eric Ulrich, Group Mitri, currently working on the subject "Understanding and controling the dynamics of bacterial communities using spatially separated but connected bio-reactors" after a Master of science at the University of Basel, CH, in September 2019.



Barbora Vidimova, Group Bagni, currently working on the subject "Targeting sensory dysfunctions in autism spectrum disorders" after a Master of science in Clinical neuroscience at the King's College London, UK, in September 2021.



Caroline Wandinger, Group Gottardo, currently working on "TBA" after a Master at University of Heidelberg, Germany, in September 2023.



Deepak Yadav, Group Fasshauer, currently working on "Evolutionary history of the vesicle transport machinery" after a Master of technology at the IIIT Hyderabad, India, in July 2013 and working as a research associate at TRDDC Pune, India, for 7 years.



Diana Zanoaga, Group Kutalik, currently working on "Detecting signatures of stabilizing selection in molecular traits" after a Master of Science in Life Sciences Engineering at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, in October 2023.



Chaymae Ziyani, Group Kutalik, currently working on "Analyze scRNA-seq data to identify specific eQTLs, introducing them into the Mendelian randomization to deduce the specific causal effects associated with a particular cell type in the context of cardiovascular disease" after a Master in Bioinformatics at University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in January 2022.



Sanyami Sunil Zunjarrao, Group Gambetta, currently working on "Role of chromatin structure in driving gene regulation specificity in Drosophila" after a Master at the Savitribai Phule Pune University, India, in April 2019.


Leah Böttger, Group Bergmann, currently working on the subject "Genetic and demographic influences on vascular image-derived phenotypes and their association to disease" after a Master at the xx, xx, in xx.


Pallavi Syam, Groups Villa and Mazzolai, currently working on the subject "Quantitative assessment of functional connectivity in human brain cortical areas during decision making by means of simultaneous recording of fast optical signais and event­related potentials" after an integrated MSc in Systems biology at the University of Hyderabad, India, in June 2023.

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