Supervisors with PhD student(s) currently in the QB Program
- Arguello Roman
- Bagni Claudia
- Benton Richard
- Bergmann Sven
- Bertelli Lombardo Claire
- Ciriello Giovanni
- Depeursinge Adrien
- Dessimoz Christophe
- Engel Philipp
- Fasshauer Dirk
- Franken Paul
- Gambetta Maria Cristina
- Gfeller David
- Gottardo Raphael
- Goudet Jérôme
- Greub Gilbert
- Guenova Emmanuella
- Guery Benoît
- Harari Alexandre
- Homicsko Krisztian
- Ivanisevic Julijana
- Kawecki Tadeusz
- Kutalik Zoltan
- Lopez-Mejia Isabel
- Malaspinas Anna Sapfo
- Mazzolai Lucia
- Mitri Sara
- Ocampo Méndez Alejandro
- Pantaleo Giuseppe
- Pelet Serge
- Prior John
- Rapsomaniki Marianna
- Reymond Alexandre
- Robinson-Rechavi Marc
- Salamin Nicolas
- Sanders Ian
- Santoni Federico
- Soyk Sebastian
- van Leeuwen Jolanda
- Vastenhouw Nadine
- Villa Alessandro
- Vjestica Aleksandar
- Waterhouse Robert
- Wedekind Claus
- Yibing Chén Oliver
Please note that all PIs of the UNIL Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) are eligible to supervise PhD students in the QB Program. Prospective students can therefore contact any FBM PI to discuss the possibility of joining the program. More info on joining QB can be found here.