Dr. Roman Arguello - External Scientific Collaborator

I am interested in bridging evolutionary genomics and sensory neurobiology. Several of the topics that I am most interested in include:

  • Evolution of sensory neural circuits and behavior
  • How do new circuits emerge (or become lost)? how are they modified between species?
  • How are shared circuits modified, and what are their behavioral consequences?


  • Genomics of  local adaptation
  • What are the loci contributing to local adaptation, and can we characterize their functional role(s)?
  • What role do sensory pathways play in local adaptation?


  • Gene family evolution
  • Evolution of new genes
  • Evolutionary dynamics of gene duplications 
  • Evolution of chemosensory superfamilies

For more information please visit my website: arguellolab.org


Curriculum vitae

July 2018 - November 2023
Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Postdoc researcher, Prof. Richard Benton's group, Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne

Postdoc researcher, Cornell University’s Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Prof. Andrew Clark's group

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Chicago's Committee on Evolutionary Biology with Prof. Manyuan Long's group

Summer 2007
JSPS Visiting Student in Prof. Hideki Innan Lab, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan

Undergraduate Research Assistant in Prof. Stevan J. Arnold Lab, Oregon State University

BSc Oregon State University

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© Felix Imhof

Roman Arguello
Office room: 2204
Phone: +4121 692 4276
Fax: +4121 692 4265