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François Bussy
CIVIS Advisor to the Rector

  • UNIL representation on CIVIS governance bodies
  • Management delegate for CIVIS

Tel: +41 (0)21 692 4344


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Simone Guccione
Institutional coordinator

  • Coordination of CIVIS at UNIL
  • Support for departments and faculties in CIVIS activities

Tel: +41 (0)21 692 2015


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Florence Emery
CIVIS Project Manager

  • Support for the implementation of the CIVIS European alliance project at UNIL
  • Management of CIVIS projects at UNIL 
  • Head of communication

Tel: +41 (0)21 692 6032

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Léa Moreau
Research Assistant

  • Advice and coordination on research activities and projects
  • Support for the development of joint doctoral programmes

Tel. : +41 (0)21 692 6526

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Christèle Aubry
Open Lab Project Manager

  • Support in implementing projects with local stakeholders
  • Promoting local citizens' initiatives at European level

Tel. : +41 (0)21 692 2126

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Leïla Sahal
Health Hub Coordinator

  • Support for the coordination of the Health Hub under the direction of Professor Panese
  • Support for the coordination of CIVIS activities within the SSP faculty

Tel. : +41 (0)21 692 3127

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Sylvie Kohli
Transnational Training Project Officer (CSE)

  • Support in setting up CIVIS training courses
  • Support for the integration of ECTS credits into study plans
  • Support for the development of international joint programmes

Tel. : +41 (0)21 692 6326


Gregor Jancik
International relations coordinator (SRI)
CIVIS Mobility Manager

  • Short-term student mobility coordination (BIPs)
  • Staff mobility coordination

Tel. : +41 (0)21 692 2024

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CIVIS (Unicentre)
Office UNC-327

Please make an appointment with the person you wish to meet.