Worldwide Universities Network

UNIL joined the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) in 2020. The network, founded in 2000, currently has 24 members (see below).

As a leading international higher education and research network, WUN envisions to be a force in developing innovative solutions to some of the world’s most significant challenges. To this end, WUN runs the Research Development Fund which support the initiation of collaborative research around the broad theme of sustainable development, including the following areas:

  • Social justice, human rights, inequality
  • Sustainable world: cities and urbanisation, energy transitions, water and food security
  • Mental health, child and maternal health, ageing
  • Responsible and ethical use of computing: artificial intelligence, information security, privacy

WUN also organizes conferences and workshops to bring an international community of researchers together.


Through its Research Development Fund, WUN provides support to initiate collaborative research that falls within the broad theme of sustainable development, inculing the following domains:

  • Social justice, human rights, inequality
  • Sustainable world: cities and urbanisation, energy transitions, water and food security
  • Mental health, child and maternal health, ageing
  • Responsible and ethical use of computing: artificial intelligence, information security, privacy

A call for projects is launched each year in June-July, with a deadline in September-October. An email will be sent to the relevant academic staff whenever a call is published.

UNIL projects

Completed project

Current projects

Special Interest Group

To promote sustained collaborations, WUN will encourage the formation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that bring together researchers from multiple member universities to pursue a shared research interest. WUN may provide funds for SIGs to hold workshops and launch special initiatives.

Global Africa Group

This collaborative research program is designed to support sustainable development and capacity-building in Africa in both the natural and social sciences. The five research priorities of the Group sit at the intersection of WUN’s existing expertise and research collaborations, Africa’s development agenda as outlined in the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Environmental change and food security
  • Public health
  • Governance, inequality and social inclusion
  • Higher education and research capacity
  • Natural resources for inclusive growth and sustainable development

More information


The IRO covers part of the travel expenses of UNIL teaching staff visiting a WUN member university, under the conditions applicable to bilateral agreements, or to SEMP agreements in case such an agreement has been signed.

The IRO also covers part of the housing expenses of a visitor from a WUN member university, under the conditions applicable to bilateral agreements, or to SEMP agreements in case such an agreement has been signed.

Meetings and events

Annual General Meeting

The WUN Annual General Meeting (AGM) usually takes place in the second half of May. Multiple governance groups come together to network, evaluate the previous year’s achievements and set the course for the year ahead. Academic workshops may also be organised during the AGM.

WUN seminars and workshops

Workshops can be held at any time and are for the relevant Global Challenge Steering Group to approve with the Secretariat if funding support is required. They can be at a member university, jointly organised with a relevant international society or agency, and include research fellows working with such partners.

Member universities
UNIL governance

The UNIL participation to WUN takes place under the responsability of Prof. Estelle Doudet Vice-Rector for Research.

Prof. Antoine Kernen represents UNIL in the Global Africa Group.

The International Relations Office coordinates the UNIL participation to WUN, under the responsability of its Director, Dr Denis Dafflon.

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UNIL contact

Dr. Denis Dafflon
International Relations Office
Château de Dorigny
Tel.: +41 21 692 20 26