
Financial aid for UNIL students

UNIL has a social fund that provides assistance to students regularly enrolled at UNIL. The conditions for granting assistance are specified in the Direction Directive 3.5 (available on this page).

In case of difficulties related to the ukrainian crisis, you can contact the Social Affairs and Student Mobility Office (SASME) at

The UNIL psychotherapeutic consultation is also at your disposal in case you need psychological support. It can be contacted at the following address:

Study at UNIL

Programmes offered at UNIL.

As the university is located in the French-speaking region of Switzerland, most courses are taught in French.

1) Autumn semester 22/23
The deadline for filing an application for the Autumn 22/23 semester is now expired.

It is however still possible to register as an "auditeur" (free-listener, auditor) in some faculties and schools. Information about this.


2) Spring semester 2023
Degree seeking students
Persons with the Protection Status ‘S’ can apply until 30 November 2022. Please be informed that it is only possible to apply as a degree seeking student to some master programmes starting in February

Guest students
Persons with the Protection Status ‘S’ can apply (subject to the agreement of the Faculty) until 30 November 2022.
Contact the Admissions Office (Service des immatriculations et inscriptions) for details and on how to proceed:

It is also possible to register as an "auditeur" (free-listener, auditor) in some faculties and schools. Information about this.


3) Autumn semester 23/24
Applications for the Autumn 23/24 semester will open mid-January 2023.

All the information about the admission process for a standard application (conditions, deadlines, fees, documents to submit, etc.) is available here.


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Resources and useful links

Chaplaincy of UNIL

Swiss Secretariat for migration - SEM

Q&A on the war in Ukraine - SEM

Information file "Protection Status S" - SEM (in French)

Personal and financial assistance for UNIL students

Hosting refugees from Ukraine - Canton of Vaud (in French)

Population Office - SPOP - Canton of Vaud

Accomodating a refugee from Ukraine - EVAM (in French)

Swiss Refugee Council - OSAR

Measures for researchers from Ukraine - Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS)

Science for Ukraine

Scholars at risk Switzerland

Help & support UNIL-EPFL: different types of help offered to Ukrainian students and colleagues, Ukrainian refugees in Lausanne and all those who feel emotionally affected by the conflict.

Information and advocacy resources to help students in Ukraine - european students’union - ESU