CIVIS for staff


One alliance, 11 universities, countless opportunities

The CIVIS Alliance offers a European inter-university space where the administrative staff of its 11 member universities can enjoy seamless mobility to study, train, work and collaborate in any of the CIVIS member universities!

The administrative staff of each CIVIS member university have the opportunity to share their experience, teaching and technical skills with all their international peers. CIVIS encourages this synergy by organising workshops and training courses open to all staff.

For administrative and technical staff, CIVIS means:

  • An opportunity to share technical and administrative experience
  • The discovery of best practices, knowledge and skills of member universities
  • The opportunity to develop within the CIVIS alliance through workshops, seminars and training courses
  • Mobility and career development programmes to support its mission

Do you have a need or an idea for European collaboration for your department? Don't hesitate to contact the CIVIS Team


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