Lancaster University

The collaboration with Lancaster University began in 2015. It is based on the synergies that have been existing in the fields of Geosciences, English Literature and Management, especially with regard to the "responsible future" theme.

Joint activities

The privileged partnership focuses on an interdisciplinary approach and takes the following forms:

  • Joint course modules
  • Joint study trips
  • Participation in the partner university's field camps
  • Teacher exchanges
  • Collaboration in research
  • Joint study days and collaboration on conferences
  • Organisation of an annual day of retreat for reflection
  • Administrative and technical staff exchange

Several SEMP agreements have also been signed.

Seed-corn Funding call 2023

In the framework of the privileged partnership, Lancaster University and the University of Lausanne have launched a seed-corn funding call in October 2023 with the intention that researchers could eventually bid for larger-scale funding through the UK Government's International Science Partnership Fund (ISPF) in a later stage. The 4 thematic areas for a proposal have been the following: Resilient planet, Transformative technologies, Healthy people, animals and plants and Tomorrow’s talents.

Total seed-corn funding for each project is up to £10,000 (combined total), however, each institution will maintain separate funding. The maximum project duration is 18 months. For this first funding call, 2 projects have been selected among the 3 submitted.

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Dr Denis Dafflon
Tel.: +41 21 692 20 26