Administrative procedures


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Transmission of medical certificates

You have different possibilities to send us these original medical certificates:

  • Come to the School of Biology Office during student’s reception hours (from Tuesday to Thursday between 09.00 am and 12.00 pm), office 312, Amphipôle Buiding.
  • Deposit them in the School of Biology mail box located at Amphipôle hall (front of the infirmary).
  • Send them by postal mail to the following address:

    Université de Lausanne
    Ecole de biologie
    Bâtiment Amphipôle
    Quartier UNIL-Sorge 1015 Lausanne

As soon as we receive the original medical certificate, you will receive an email from the School of Biology confirming that we have received the document. If it is not the case, it is your own responsibility to check that your original medical certificate has been received.

Equivalencies (Credit transfers)

The School of Biology can recognize previously taken courses as replacements for equivalencies but only for the academic curriculum for which the request is made.

A request can only be made for courses that formed part of a successful year of study or if a degree has been obtained.

A written request must be submitted no later than the 2nd week of the first semester of studies at the School of Biology.

The student must have passed an exam in the courses for which an equivalency credit is sought.

A student who obtains equivalencies must acquire at least 120 ECTS credits for a Bachelor degree and 60 ECTS credits for a Master degree in the School of Biology curriculum to obtain the corresponding degree awarded by the Faculty.

Requests for leave

The School of Biology accepts leave requests if they are made withing the deadlines set by UNIL Direction and if the motive is valid:

- by September 30th (Autumn semester)

- by February 28th (Spring semester)

Download the leave request form

The School of Biology accepts leave requests with the following motives:

Studies in another Swiss or foreign university

The request is accepted for an exchange that is outside of the mobility programme, if the curriculum followed by the student is known and accepted by the School of Biology.

Semesters of leave are counted as part of the total duration of studies.

A practical training that is directly related to the studies

The request is accepted if the student presents a certification of his or her acceptance in a practical training or internship directly related to his or her studies to the School of Biology.

Semesters of leave are counted as part of the total duration of studies.

Military or civil service

The request is accepted if student presents the summons from the concerned service to the School of Biology.

Semesters of leave for military or civil service are not counted in the total duration of the studies.


The request is accepted if the student presents a medical certificate to the School of Biology.

Semesters of leave because of sickness are not counted in the total duration of the studies.


The request is accepted if the student presents a medical certificate to the School of Biology.

Semesters of leave for pregnancy or maternity are not counted in the total duration of the studies.


Requests for leave to prepare for exams or to write the Master thesis are not accepted by the School of Biology.


The total number of semesters of leave may not exceed three semesters for a Bachelor and two semesters for a Master.

The student on leave remains registered at UNIL. He is required to pay the semester fee in accordance with Article 85d of RLUL.

Situation of disability / Requests for accommodation in teaching and evaluation

Information Request

The University of Lausanne takes into account your specific situation as a student with disability, on the basis of a medical certificate. For general information, please refer to the dedicated UNIL web page.


If you have a disability and are enrolled in one of the courses offered by the School of Biology and have specific questions, please address them to our Students’ Affairs Manager, Mrs Marie-Paule Charnay (Tel. +41 (0)21 692 4011).


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for special arrangements for study and examinations

Requests for special arrangements for students with disabilities are governed by the Directive of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine “Mesures de soutien et aménagements pour les étudiants en situation de handicap").The Directive is the only authoritative document on the conditions, deadlines, procedures, etc. for requests for special arrangements with disabilities.



Application deadlines

Requests for special arrangements for the exams should be sent to within the first 6 weeks of the semester:

  • October 30 for the winter session
  • March 31 for the summer and fall sessions




Form and content of applications




All requests must be made by the student in writing and must be accompanied by an expert opinion from a specialized service or doctor. Learning disabilities (dys* problems) can be certified by a logopedist.


The official document (in the original version!) certifying the disability must contain the following elements:

  • the medical diagnosis in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental and Psychiatric Disorders (DSM-V), information on the degree of severity of the disability and the trend of evolution
  • detailed and legitimate proposals for the requested special arrangements
  • the duration of the requested accomodations in accordance with the expected development

The medical expertise must have been carried out within a recent period of time, less than 12 months, or be confirmed by the attending physician within the same period of time, in order to attest to its validity for the period concerned, i.e., the date of commencement of studies and of the examination session for which the request for accommodation is made.


If the student has benefited from support and special measures during a previous training, they should, if possible, also submit the document mentioning the measures obtained.

The documents must be written in French, English, German or Italian.

Any incomplete application (or one written in a language other than those specified above) will be refused and must be completed in accordance with the above-mentioned elements within the specified deadlines. It is the student’s responsibility to ask their doctor to establish a medical certificate in accordance with the above-mentioned indications.


NB: For dyslexics and dysorthographics, a report from a logopedist may be accepted in lieu of the medical certificate.


Application decision


The School of Biology makes a decision, specifying the special arrangements accepted and the duration for which they are granted. It reserves the right not to grant all or part of the requested arrangements depending on the available resources (human, infrastructure, etc.) or if the request is disproportionate.

Military affairs

For any request to delay military service, come to the secretariat during the opening hours with the documents "avis de service" or "ordre de marche".

The School of Biology fills a form giving its notice and send it to the army directly.


Mrs Almudena Vazquez
Secrétariat des étudiants
School of Biology – office 312
Campus UNIL-Sorge
Amphipôle Building
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél: +41 21 692 40 10
Fax: +41 21 692 40 05


More information about the swiss military service

Elite athlete

Find all the information and special conditions for elite athletes on the site of the admission service.

Triangle Azur

Triangle Azur

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Amphipôle - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 40 10
Fax +41 21 692 40 05