Visual communication

Communication naturally encompasses visual communication. As such, you should also always think about your visual representations as inclusive, and as not giving visual priority to one gender over another.





Represent an equal number of women and men on images.


Avoid representing men in the centre and women outside (for example, if people are online).

Avoid marginalization or symbolic distancing (women in the background, smaller in size).


Avoid exposing women's skin (hypersexualization).

Be careful not to systematically make men wear a suit and tie (associated with professional life) and women wear casual clothes (associated with the private sphere and seduction).


Avoid images where men are showing/designing and women are looking.

Also be careful not to show men with their arms and legs apart while women are crouching.


Avoid exclusion (e.g. no female mathematicians, no male nurses), but do not exaggerate role reversal, as this may reinforce stereotypes.

Objects, accessories

Pay attention to the allocation of gendered objects and accessories (e.g. computers to men and irons to women).

Sexual orientation and gender identity

To be inclusive and visible to all members of the academic community, visual communication must also show the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities, for example by showing homoparental families.

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