Academic career


While women outnumber men in postdoctoral positions, they remain a minority in permanent academic positions, in particular in professorial positions (see the UNIL gender equality statistics). Studies reveal that a major factor leading women to leave academia is their lack of integration and of formal and informal support structures during the postdoctoral phase (Leeman & Stutz, 2008, p.3).


Through workshops and individual mentoring, PROWD Academic career aims to offer women planning to apply for a professorship detailed information on recruiting procedures, advice on the different stages of the application process and on academic career in general, and answers to specific questions many women have about the difficulties related to their experiences and their profile. It also aims to provide opportunities for exchange between participants.


With a particular emphasis on the specific issues and difficulties female academics may encounter, PROWD Academic career complements the workshops and activities offered by the Graduate Campus, which PROWD participants are encouraged to follow as well:

  • Academic Career: Demands, Expectations and Preparation
  • Creating the postdoc’s job-hunt package
  • Career cafés

2020-2021 Programme (subject to adjustments)

Programme kick-off event

Date and time: October 10th 2022, 12.00 to 5.30


After the launching event and a commun lunch, the participants in both tracks of PROWD will follow the workshop “Pushing back against everyday sexism,” led by Siara Isaac, teaching advisor at the EPFL Teaching Support Center trainer.



The official part of the event will take place in French. The workshop will be given in English, the participants are free to speak French or English, as preferred.


Workshop description

Workshop "De post-doc à professeure, attentes et préparation "

Date and schedule: 19th October, 13:30-16:30 (online) and 2nd November, 13:30-16:30 (on site)


L'objectif de cet atelier est de sensibiliser les participants aux exigences et aux attentes liées à la poursuite d'une carrière universitaire. Il présente les éléments fondamentaux de l'auto-présentation qui s'appliquent aux processus d'embauche dans la voie académique, des candidatures aux entretiens.

Sur la base de discussions et de travaux pratiques intensifs, le programme comprendra un examen du parcours de carrière vers le professorat, des processus de recrutement et de la préparation du CV. Les participantes travailleront ensemble pour examiner et développer leur CV.

See workshop description!

Carine Carvalho, Equal Opportunities Officer, Head of Department, Unil
Martine Schaer, adjointe au développement professionel et carrières, Graduate Campus, Unil

The workshop will be held in French and the slides will be in English. The participantes are free to talk in French or English.

Workshop description

Workshop "Chemin de vie et choix de carrière"

Date and time : December 17th  2020, 9 to 5pm



Cet atelier s’adresse aux chercheuses qui se questionnent sur leur choix de carrière. L’avenir sera-t-il académique ou est-ce que la question d’un choix non-académique se pose ? Inspiré des « pratiques narratives », l’atelier permettra aux participantes, au travers de la métaphore du voyage, d’aller à la rencontre de leurs histoires individuelles, de prendre du recul par rapport à leur parcours personnel et professionnel afin de choisir sereinement la meilleure option d’avenir. Elles seront amenées à prendre conscience de leurs histoires de succès, des personnes qui ont joué un rôle clé et des expériences qui ont été décisives, tout en esquissant des voies pertinentes pour leur futur. Elles seront invitées à partager leur histoire professionnelle et se questionner sur leurs forces et leurs freins, mais aussi à prendre conscience de leur sentiment de légitimité en vue de leurs futures activités.


  • Percevoir le sens de sa trajectoire personnelle qui nous conduit vers une carrière académique ou vers d’autres choix professionnels
  • Prendre conscience de sa légitimité́
  • S’approprier son potentiel, ses forces et ses ressources à mettre au service de ses projets
  • Partager oralement son parcours face à un public 


Florence Hügi, formatrice d’adultes et coach narrative certifiée



L’atelier sera donné en français. Les participantes pourront s’exprimer en français ou en anglais selon leur préférence.


Worshop description

Workshop "Paths to well-being"

Date and schedule : January 12th and 19th 2023, 12.00-2pm



Given that the pursuit of well-being is fundamental, what should we do to be happier? We will explore this question in two meetings: session 1 will be devoted to understanding the foundations of well-being and how to enhance personal well-being; session 2 will focus on career well-being, including discussions on the idiosyncrasies of academia (e.g., completing a PhD or PostDoc, academic career, etc.) and burnout.

You will soon discover that well-being can be learned but that it is necessary to invest some effort towards its achievement. We will thus complete several exercises and surveys that will tap into different aspects of well-being and are meant to give you a broad overview of possible ways to enhance well-being so that you can identify your preferred interventions and the best ways to apply them. At the end of the workshop you will be armed with a well-being toolbox that you can consult and apply whenever you need.



Please complete this survey before the first session:




Francine Petersen, associate professor in the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics, UNIL, specializing in consumer psychology and behavior, with a focus on emotions and well-being.



The presentations and slides will be in English. Participants can speak in English or French as preferred.  

Workshop Description

Workshop “Postuler à un poste de professeure”

Date and time : February 2nd 2023, 9am-5pm



Applying for a professor position can be a daunting process, and often, the different steps of this process are not well known. This workshop shows how the process works, from the moment the job announcement is formulated to the final decision of who receives the job offer. Moreover, and most importantly, this workshop shows what some of the most essential elements are that will help you increase your chances of success. 

This workshop will help you to be well-prepared when you apply, by providing (some) answers to the following questions:

  • How does the recruitment process work
  • How does the recruitment commission work and who decides what
  • How to interact with the recruitment commission
  • How to prepare your application package 
  • How to prepare for your visit: your presentation, interview, discussions with members of the department/institute/faculty



Franciska Krings, full professor of Organizational Behavior (Faculty of Business and Economics), 2011-2016 Vice-rector in charge of junior faculty development, UNIL



The workshop will be given in French. Participants can speak in French or English as preferred.


Workshop descriptoon

Workshop"Pitching myself for industry" (optional for the academic-track)

Date and schedule : February 2rd (on site) and February 21nd (online) 2023, 9:30-5pm


Bridging the gap from academia to industry requires adapting our frame of mind, our discourse and our posture to a new and sometimes unfamiliar audience. We will together build your road map for change from academia to industry exploring your CV, your letter of motivation and your “pitch”.

In this two-day experiential workshop, we will together build your road map for change from academia to industry and work together on your “pitch”, your CV and your letter of motivation.


Romaine Johnstone, certified executive coach, facilitator, and trainer. VP of the Professional Women’s Network PWN Paris.


The workshop will be held in English. Participants can express themselves either in French or English depending on their preference.



Workshop Description

Workshop "Affirmation de soi et positionnement au travail"

Date and schedule : February 3rd, 9:00am-5pm


Faire sa place, oser s’affirmer, prendre de nouvelles responsabilités, diriger des équipes, rendre visibles ses compétences, ses réalisations et ses ambitions avec authenticité, sont des enjeux qui font appel à l’affirmation de soi et au leadership.

Être femme et leader, cela se construit, parfois en déconstruisant certaines certitudes, croyances et/ou habitudes ancrées et en prenant conscience de l’impact du genre et des stéréotypes de sexe dans le développement de sa posture (de celles des autres).


Identifier 2 à 3 situations professionnelles vécues récentes (moins d’un an) pour lesquelles plus d’affirmation de soi aurait été bénéfique selon vous.


Sigolène Chavane, consultante et coach Artemia Executive, co-fondatrice du cabinet expert sur les questions d’égalité femmes/hommes dans le monde du travai



The workshop will be given in French. The participants can express themselves mainly in French, or in English if needed. The programme coordinator (Roxane Roduit) will take care of the translation.



Workshop Description

Programme closing event

Date and schedule: May 10th 2023

The workshop "Making the Connection: Networking and Career" (1-5pm) will be followed by the closing event of the programme and an aperitif. Previous participants will also be invited to the closing event and will have the opportunity to exchange with the participants of the 4th edition.

Worshop content

Il est largement admis que le réseautage est un élément vital du développement professionnel et qu'il est essentiel pour une carrière dans la recherche académique ou au-delà de l'université. Mais cela peut représenter un défi pour beaucoup.

Comment établir au mieux un lien avec les autres, en personne et en ligne ? Quel impact cela peut-il avoir sur nos carrières, que ce soit dans la recherche ou ailleurs ? Comment maintenir l'authenticité tout en sortant de nos zones de confort personnelles ?

Dans cet atelier pratique et hautement interactif, nous explorerons les avantages et les techniques du réseautage pour le développement professionnel. Nous examinerons les compétences nécessaires pour s'engager avec d'autres personnes dans différents environnements tels que le colloque scientifique, l'entretien informatif en dehors du milieu universitaire ou sur les réseaux professionnels en ligne.

Les participantes travailleront sur leurs présentations personnelles verbales et écrites, en trouvant les mots et le ton appropriés aux différentes circonstances.



Verity Elston, Co-directrice Graduate Campus, Développement professionnel et carrières



The official part and the workshop will be held in French, participants can express themselves in French or English according to their preference.


Workshop description

Other events (optional)

Other shorter events (lunch-time workshops, informal meetings, etc.) will be organized based on participants’ demands and interests, on topics such as family and mobility, dual careers, the trial lecture, etc.


More information on these events will follow.


Throughout the programme, each participant will be mentored by one or several UNIL professors, who may give them feedback on their applications or project funding requests or advise them on more general aspects of the academic career.


For mentors

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