Swiss Mobility Conference 2017

| Program | Abstracts | Venue and practical information | Contact | Presentations


29 & 30 June 2017 - Lausanne

The Swiss Mobility Conference (SMC) is the result of a collaboration between the chairs of urban sociology (EPFL) and geography of mobilities (UNIL). The objective of SMC is to provide a place for discussion and debate for researchers in humanities and social sciences working on various forms of mobility.

Presentations will address the mobilities in their diversity (housing choices, modal practices,
multi-local dwelling, tourism, etc.). They can register in the following research areas:

  • theoretical debates (and in particular the contributions of social theories to the study of mobilities)
  • methodological innovations (using mobile methods)
  • public policy and decision making in mobility
  • regulation of mobility and its tools
  • the actors and their logics of action
  • the norms and values underlying mobility and social inequality
  • temporality and spatiality of mobility
  • mobility prospective


  • Laboratoire de sociologie urbaine, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • Institut de géographie et durabilité, Université de Lausanne


Venue and practical information

The conference will be held at EPFL campus in Lausanne, in the MXF1 auditorium . The easiest way to reach the campus is by metro: the closest metro station is “EPFL” (metro line M1).

From Lausanne railway station:

  • Metro M2-> Lausanne-Flon
  • then Metro M1 -> EPFL

More information:


For any question, please contact


Session 1 : Mobility, Methodological Innovations and ICT / Mobilité, innovations méthodologiques et TIC

Guilllaume Drevon, Olivier Klein, Luc Gwazdzinski, LASUR EPFL, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-economic Research, Université Grenoble Alpes
La vidéo référencée, de nouvelles perspectives pour l’analyse et les  représentations du déplacement

Presentation  (2621 Ko)

Anu Masso, Siiri Silm, Rein Ahas, ETH Zürich, University of Tartu
Spatial Mobility in ‘High- Speed-Societies’: Study of Generational Differences with Mobile Phone Data

Presentation  (1913 Ko)

Sylvie Miaux, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Révéler la complexité de l’expérience piétonne et cycliste à partir des mobile methods

Presentation  (380 Ko)

Session 2 : Multilocality, tourism and travel / Multilocalité, tourisme et voyage

Silvia Wojczewski, IGD, UNIL
Black Germans on tour: Travel and the challenge of national identity

Presentation  (864 Ko)

Morgane Roux, Valérian Geffroy, IGD, UNIL
Mobility, presence and technological mediations in tourism practices of nature

Presentation  (2398 Ko)

Cédric Duchêne-Lacroix, Universität Basel
Multilocal residentiality in Europe : State of the art

Presentation  (1518 Ko)

Session 3 : Daily Mobility I / Mobilité quotidienne I

Simone Caiello, University of Milan Bicocca
Walkability as a measure of urbanity. The cases of the Metropolitan City of Milan and Lyon

Presentation  (8002 Ko)

Patrick Rérat, Gianluigi Giacomel, Antonio Martin, IGD, UNIL
Motivations and barriers to cycle to work: evidence from the bike to work action in Switzerland

Presentation  (421 Ko)


Sven Kesselring, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen
Meet more, travel less!? Theorizing the mobilities of work and labor in the age of mediatization

Presentation  (694 Ko)

Session 4 : Mobility and Inequality / Mobilité et inégalité

Luca Daconto, University of Milan Bicocca
Vulnerability, mobility, and accessibility in two European cities. The case of unemployed and precarious workers in Milan and Lyon

Presentation  (1055 Ko)

Massimiliano Rossetti, Mario Boffi, University of Milan Bicocca
Mobility, accessibility, carbon emission and right to education

Presentation  (2696 Ko)

Juliana Muniz, Paris 4
Travel Patterns and Fear of Crime among university students in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Presentation  (1980 Ko)

Session 5 :  Automobility / Automobilité

Ravalet Emmanuel, Kaufmann Vincent, Drevon Guillaume, LASUR EPFL
From aspirations to practices. Mobility of teenagers throughout Europe

Presentation  (1603 Ko)

Daniel Baehler, IGD, UNIL
Why do households choose to live in a car-free housing?

Presentation  (372 Ko)

Antonin Danalet, Andreas Justen, Nicole Mathys, Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE
Forecasting driving license ownership in Switzerland

Presentation  (730 Ko)

Session 6 : Daily Mobility II / Mobility quotidienne II

Dominique von der Mühll, Valérie Hugentobler, EPFL, EESP
Mobilité et territoires de vie des aînés – accessibilité, sociabilité, santé, qualité de vie

Presentation  (2560 Ko)

Patrick Naef, Alix Dettwiler, Université de Genève, ATE
Le développement des ‘zones de rencontre’ en Suisse romande : De nouveaux codes pour le partage de l’espace

Presentation  (1262 Ko)

Rodrigo Luruena, ATE
Systèmes d’accompagnement pour les trajets scolaires : l’impact du Pédibus

Presentation  (2620 Ko)

Other editions


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