

Publications (sélection d’articles clés)


Zwissig M, Rio Marques L, Roth-Kleiner M, Ramelet AS: Measurement of stress in stable neonates during ambulance transportation: a feasibility study. Australian Critical Care 2019, 32(1):28-33.


de Goumoens V, Rio LM, Jaques C, Ramelet AS: Family-oriented interventions for adults with acquired brain injury and their families: a scoping review. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep 2018, 16(12):2330-2367


Ramelet AS, Aitken LM: Patient comfort during critical illness special issue. Aust Crit Care 2018, 31(3):143-144. doi: 110.1016/S1036-7314(1018)30076-30076


Grandjean C, Latour J, Cotting J, Fazan M, Leteurtre S, Ramelet AS: Measurement of parent satisfaction in pediatric intensive care unit - Translation, cultural adaptation and psychometric equivalence for the French-speaking version of the EMPATHIC-65 questionnaire. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 2017, 38:40-45.


Harris J, Ramelet AS, van Dijk M, Pokorna P, Wielenga J, Tume L, Tibboel D, Ista E: Clinical recommendations for pain, sedation, withdrawal and delirium assessment in critically ill infants and children: an ESPNIC position statement for healthcare professionals. Intensive Care Med 2016, 42(6):972-986.


Ramelet AS: Caring for Long-Stay Critically Ill Children and Infants Refers Back to the Fundamentals of Patient- and Family-Centered Care. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2016, 17(6):575-576.


Gerber A, Thevoz AL, Ramelet AS: Expert clinical reasoning and pain assessment in mechanically ventilated patients: A descriptive study. Australian critical care : official journal of the Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses 2015, 28(1):2-8.


Fincher W, Shaw J, Ramelet AS: The effectiveness of a standardised preoperative preparation in reducing child and parent anxiety: a single-blind randomised controlled trial. Journal of clinical nursing 2012, 21(7-8):946-955.


Ramelet AS: Pain assessment in critical care: Instrument selection for nonverbal patients. Australian Critical Care 2012, 25:275-277.


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