I am interested in understanding and predicting how human activities drive current changes in distributions of plant and animal species.
During my PhD, I studied the consequences of urbanisation on the spatial distribution of native and invasive ant species, as well as intraspecific variations among urban and rural populations of the urban-tolerant ant Lasius niger.
I am now focusing on human-mediated dispersal. I aim to develop theoretical and modelling approaches to better understand the mechanisms involved in both accidental and intentional translocations of species at different spatial scales.
2019 - present
Postdoc researcher – University of Lausanne, Department of Ecology and Evolution
Adviser: Dr. Cleo Bertelsmeier
2013 - 2016
Ph. D. – University of Lyon, LEHNA (UMR5023)
“Patterns of distribution, human-mediated dispersal and intraspecific variations in urbanized landscapes: Responses of ants to urbanization”
Advisers: Dr. Nathalie MONDY and Dr. Bernard KAUFMANN
2011 - 2013
M.S. – Ecology, Evolution, Biometry, University of Lyon
2007 - 2011
Biology of Organisms and Populations, University of Lyon